Sunday 31 December 2023


Growing up goes hand in hand with taking on more responsibilities, but even though it is normal to take on more responsibilities as you get older there is only so much you can do before you need to switch off. Feeling responsible all the time can be draining when you don't give yourself any free time away from your obligations. Sometimes the only way to reset yourself is by switching off from your obligations so that you can take a breather even though this can sometimes seem like a selfish act. Reshuffling your priorities to put yourself on the top is the best way to get your mind and body back to where they need to be so that you can feel ready to tackle your responsibilities with a fresh mindset. You might feel that taking a break from your responsibilities is a sign of weakness but it takes more strength to admit that you have limits than pretending that you are faultless. There is true strength in acknowledging that you are only human who refuses to let your vulnerabilities hold you back because it is overcoming lifes dramas as a vulnerable human with faults that makes it a bigger feat then being a flawless person that always seems to be making the best choices all the time without fail.

Saturday 23 December 2023


The common mistake that people make when they are trying to advise someone about changing their lifestyle is that they are purely focused on what has worked for them rather than thinking about what would be beneficial for the other person. They believe that if someone took their advice and followed it to the letter that they too would be as happy as  they are, even though what may feel like a sure thing to them might not even be a consideration in the eyes of the listener. The wrong advice has the influence to dampen someone's else's interests even though it is unintentional. We all vary in our interests and believing that the formula to happiness is based on what one person's success will only end up in making a carbon copy of that person giving the advice. Those who stray from their own pathway of interests will only get lost in the end and be left questioning why they went against what felt so right. Advice needs to lead to a pathway that the person requiring the advice wants to reach but is struggling to see, not as a new goal furrher away from their personal interests of the one listening. So maybe the best advice is to not give advice so that people can work themselves out without someone steering them away from what matters most to them.

Wednesday 20 December 2023


The opportunist of the world like to take advantage of people's placid nature because they believe that their chosen victim is too relaxed to speak up and take a stand. Their line of thought is that if you arent going to speak up and stand up for yourself then no harm no foul. The voluntary victims can feel conflicted when they catch on to game that they are forced to play and are in two minds whether they should highlight that they are no fool to the opportunist strategies, or whether they should just play along ignoring the pitfalls that they may have to face all in the name of keeping the peace. Keeping the peace may seem to be the easier pathway to choose but at what cost is it having on you when you are knowingly choosing to ignore the attempts of the opportunist who is constantly chipping away at your integrity without any disregard on how it may impact on your well-being. Why do you put his or her needs above our own when we know that their selfish ways will eventually victimise us. We as a people can not reach a true heightened level of happiness if we are going against what our common sense is trying to tell us. It is our common sense that will guide us through the mess that bad decisions have lead us to. So more following your head because your head has your heart in mind whereas your heart only has what feels good at the time, which will only lead you to scratching your head wondering how did you get here.

Saturday 16 December 2023


Throughout our life we strive for more because we believe that once we have more of whatever we desire that we would reach our utopian lifestyle. We believe our life will improve if we put all our time in focusing only on the steps that will get us closer to the things we dream of. Whether its fame fortune  or anything in between we believe that the sooner we reach our goals the sooner we will reach our highest level of happiness. Your attempt to reach your goals shouldn't come at the cost of your values. Sometimes when you live your life with your head in the clouds you can lose sight of what you currently have. Living your life in fast forward may feel like the right thing to do because you won't get distracted by the things that arent on your check list but the journey is as, or even is more important than, your destination. So enjoy the ride because it is lifes struggles that help strengthen us to toughen up so that we can handle our next challenge. Remembering your roots will keep you grounded loyal to the person that you once were before you let lifes struggles taint your views. It is our past that connects us to our future, to deny the person that you once were is denying an important part of your true identity. Choosing to step on anyone just to reach your goals will be a dishonour to the innocence you once had and will only lead you to live a lonely lifestyle. If your younger self met the person that you've grown up to be would they be proud of that person or ashamed of how got there. You should respect that it was your past self that got you through the hard times triumphantly  so that you could take one step closer to your  preferred future.

Thursday 23 November 2023


Shame can be a great preventative because it can be the barrier that reminds us of who we are and where our line is. The rules we live by and stand by are put in place so that we don't compromise our preferred set values. Your line is defined by your moral compass so if you adjust your base line just to benefit your own selfish needs then you will find it harder and harder to grasp onto the person that you are striving to be. It is immediately after you have gone through a shameful experience that your toughest lessons are learnt. The bad feelings that remain with you lingers on to remind you that the bad choices you make will lead you to bad experiences. So all you need to do is to stay consistent with your values and remember no matter the outcome you have stayed true to your preferred self without the sacrifice of your dignity. If you are going through a tough period in our life where you are feeling hopelessness you can have solace in the knowledge that you have stayed true to your self and not given in to the corrupt path just because its easier. It is through the difficulties of your life experiences that strengthens your soul so if you get knocked down remember to say out loud "Is that all you've got because i have more". So strive to be the better you that you can be and let you shame remind you of where your moral compass starts and ends because we all have to have to draw a line in the sand some time or another. 

Wednesday 22 November 2023


Loyalty seems to be on the decline, its no longer the standard trait that comes with having any kind of relationship. Now there are certain evolving provisos in any relationship where what used to be a simple show of mutual respect to one another has now changed in favour for those whose voice is louder than their peers. Those that are in the lime light who proudly voice their longings out loud crave more than what is on offer from their peers and dont put in a second thought into letting anyone know their requirements. What used to be considered a reciprocal understanding between those who have built up a bond through shared experiences is now irrelevant because the world now looks after the ones who have the louder voice whether its fair or not. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" seems to be the alot of people's motto whch is a lesson in life that was learnt when they noticed through trial and error that their woes were met with positive  reinforcement when they spoke up.  Loyalty is a character trait that defines what type of person you are, those who are unable to show loyalty to anyone but themselves are conditioned by those who will go out of their way to please the complainer. So the only person at fault is the person who reinforces their bad behaviour. If we want people to behave rightly we must show them that they need to be loyal to positive values otherwise their negative ways will result in digging them deeper into their own misfortune. People will be loyal to those that are loyal to them, so if you wonder why people are treating you like a push over maybe its because you let them.

Saturday 28 October 2023


Throughout our life we are faced with various challenges that can either have a positive or a negative impact not only on our own life but on the life of those in our social circle. This is why it is is important that when we make choices that are life changing that we take full responsibility for our actions and not play the blame game when put on spot. When we are faced with a dilemma our actions either lead us to face them head on or do the opposite and ignore the red flags that are infront of us, either way our choices will always remain with us till the end. When you consciously choose to ignore the signs that your intuition is trying to highlight then all that will follow is regret. All we have is the power of truth to stand by and build up on if we are to ever feel good about ourselves because truth is the person we claim to be and the alternative is brushing our problems underneath the rug while pretending to be a saint while sinning in disguise. Eventually you will trip up over the bulge of lies that are as contradictory as your alter ego represents and be caught out in the karma that is coming. So if your beliefs contradict your actions then maybe look at yourself and ask yourself do you really believe in what you're saying or are you just to weak to admit that you are no saint. Either way you will be much happier if admitted that you are a narcissistic person than denying your selfish ways. 

Friday 27 October 2023


We are our memories, it is our memories that we refer back to when we are trying to learn from our previous experiences. It is our lifes bookmarks that steers the direction of our path and can explain why we do the things that we do. What we choose to remember can highlight our priorities whether its consciously or subconsciously our brain chooses what it wants to retain. Negative experiences linger longer in the brain than positive experiences this could be because our built in primary instincts are to protect ourselves from harm by doing what ever we can to survive. Without our past being referenced we are more likely to repeat the same mistakes that we made in our past this is why it is important to reflect back on to the various stages in our life where we have felt powerful emotions that either have made us promise to try to feel the good that we did on a good day or never to repeat the mistakes that we made on that horrible day again. It is normal to want the best life experiences you can have but it sometimes necessary to hold onto the memories that prevent you making the same mistakes. If you wipe your memories clean of the past you will also lose the you that was smart enough to dig yourself out of the trenches by getting your life back on track. So choose your life plan carefully and don't blame others for your bad choices because it is your responsibility alone to learn from your past so that your past mistakes wont live in your future.

Monday 23 October 2023


Most people choose to only see the good qualities in others while that may at first glance seem to be an admirable quality to have, choosing to ignore the bad qualities is a show of weakness. We do not have the luxury to pick and choose what we consider a good quality in persons character so we choose to highlight it and ignore the less desirable qualities in someone by playing dumb never to admit that we have noticed the flaws from the get go. When you choose to give your support you must accept people for who they are, even if that means accepting their flaws. Denying their dark side because it doesn't sit well with your morality means you are denying your own morals because if you dont believe that they are a good person but you are still standing by them it says more about how you've chosen to compromise your own personal values, so then maybe the real problem goes further than them and its all about you. Maybe you are not the person that you think you are because we all have our own flaws but only few of us accept them as a part of who we are, accepting the truth will mean you don't need to hide behind ridiculous excuses which always end up with you getting yourself caught in a lie. The idea that once you accept the truth and confront someone for their manipulative ways it might mean that the repercussions may affect your so called perfect relationship with them but at least its not going to hurt twice as much when you've invested so much more of your time in them. A lot of people would rather choose the easier path where you restrict yourself in looking too deep into someone's else's character for where it might lead you, but they are even more afraid of self analysis because it's hard to keep on smiling if you find out that you are not a nice person underneath all your broken promises. So keep your moral compass aligned with your actions and stand proud that you have stuck by your word because without our word we are lost.

Sunday 15 October 2023


Choosing to self isolate for most of your free time can show people that you don't want them to be an important part in your life. Separating yourself from the ones who love you can be considered a selfish act to those who just want to spend some meaningful time with you. Distancing yourself may give you some peace of mind to focus on yourself but eventually the distance you put between yourself and those who care about you will only expand, making it even harder to connect with them when you are finally have a chance to. Everyone has their own unique threshold once their limit has been reached it is nearly impossible to regain their trust. We all may be restricted by time restraints but that is what makes the time so special that we choose to spend with others. When you choose to use your little free time to reconnect with the people you care about they feel respected and will find it alot easier to do the same for you. You cannot expect people to go out of their way to do something for you if you have no intention to do the same for them. They say that love is unconditional but there are always conditions otherwise its a one side love affair. We may not expect others to move mountains for us but showing them a little respect goes a long way. So have your free time when you need it but be aware that happiness is magnified when you share your life with the ones you care about. 

Wednesday 11 October 2023


Leading by example may sound simple enough, but unless you practice what you preach you'll find out that the respect your expecting from your peers will never come. People will only follow your lead if they feel that the rules that you have put in place are for everyone equally to abide by and not just there when it suits your preferred situation. Respect will not sit well with those you surround yourself with if you've chosen the mentality "do as i say not as i do" because this will have your peers half heartedly supporting  your flawed rules rather than following them because they just makes sense. When you show them that your rules dont apply to you then your lack of devotion to what should be set in stone crumbles with any influence that you might have over your peers. The power to motivate only works if you see yourself on the same level as those that you are in charge of. If your actions lack consistency then don't be surprised that confusion sets in and your influence degrades. Rules are put in place to keep the foundations from collapsing, rules dont bend just to suit your scenario, if it's wrong for me then it's wrong for you. You can not be both a friend and foe at the same time to the same person because bending the rules to shield your friends transforms you into a foe to the misfortunate who are without your selected leanancy. So more leading to whats right and less choosing whats right for now and you will notice that their will be less confusing moments that you can not justify when your questioned by your peers. 

Wednesday 27 September 2023


We are surrounded by information everyday, but how we interpret that information varies from individual to individual. People who believe in multiple truths will always highlight their views as "my truth" but if truth was based only on your own personal view point and not a universal view point then how are we ever as a society supposed to see eye to eye when there is conflict. Truth is universal because it is aligned with facts that is why we all have to accept it as factual reality whether it works in our favour or not because that is the first step to establish common ground with one another. Without the right information infront of us we would all struggle to make sense of the world because where reality and truth collide there will only be conflict. Our core belief system influences how we interpret the information that we receive as either true or as false but because the information is siphoned from a limited source it forces us to fill in the gaps by guessing the rest, this is why we all may think we are right but where common sense is ignored its likely not to be you. Our version of the truth relys solely on what we think is the best representation of the truth even though we may only have a piece of the puzzle, but this can change easily with the discovery of new valid information. So before you choose to make up your mind on what's true maybe put a bit of thought on the other side of the fence and try not to be distracted by your emotions.

Thursday 14 September 2023


Growing up some of us thrive the more we tick off our bucket list while others dont even have a bucket list to check. Whether your one who's content with where you lie or you prefer to keep busy ticking as many boxes as you can, your reasons for doing what you do are your own. Desires that dont push you enough to stand up and move forward so that you could reach your full potential might feel like your wasting your time but we are not all going in the same direction chasing the same reward. Someone who craves more for themselves will do whatever it takes to get what they want out of life because you can not be the best version of yourself without putting in the hard work. The moment you come to terms with the fact that self-realization is the key that will guide your life to excellence will be the moment you strive to reach your full potential with all your being because your happiness is on the line and we all dont want to let ourselves down. The more we ignore our desires and pretend to be something that we are not the more we are likely to lose ourselves in our made up lies where we convince ourselves that we are content with the bare minimum. The mind is such a powerful tool that when we choose to ignore its message willingly by disregarding what is the right path for us over what is an easier fix the unresolved issues we ignore can have an underlying affect on us with the build up of stress that can makes us physically sick. Having a healthy mindset is the only way that we should be, by doing what is right for you and your peers you will remain positive with a clear conscience where there will be only true justification with all your choices. The moment you go against the person that your trying to portray will be the moment your body says no. So don't ignore your body and strive to be the best version of yourself with only the truth to guide you.

Thursday 7 September 2023


We live in a world where there are rules put in place to keep things in an organised order rather than letting the chance of chaos to determine our fate. No matter whether it's right or wrong the order to things that keeps the momentum moving forward is regarded as the path that should be followed, so if your not keeping up with the direction that the world moves in then you'll be left behind no matter of your status. When faced with a dilemma that may compromise your views Is it better to bend your values or fold them?. The choice to say what is on your mind should be weighed up against the likelihood of your point being interpreted in the way that it is intended rather than opening up and telling all while others keep quiet with their personal views. If your point of view no matter how valid it is, is ignored and brushed aside because the facts fail to impress then you have wasted your time trying to show someone the sensible option and all you've managed to achieve is creating conflict between you both. Sometimes choosing to speak their language, play the same games that they play is the better option otherwise you'll give them all while they give you bare minimum. So choose your battles wisely and make sure you ownly open to those who aren't trying to tear you down.  Your life will be less weary if the drama in your life is on the TV set not a part of your lifestyle.

Monday 4 September 2023


Once you've made up your mind and decided what you want it's up to you alone to put steps in place in order to get yourself closer to your ideal job. This important decision shouldn't be taken lightly because it can sometimes seem an easy choice but when you have only focused on the advantages of the other job then its easy to fall in the trap of believing the grass is actually greener on the otherside. There is good and bad parts in any job but the questions we forget to ask ourselves is, Does the good out weigh the bad in the new job opportunity? And will your life change dramatically for the better with your new job? Changing your job on regular basis will eventually tire you out because the older you get the harder you'll find getting back on track with learning a new skillset. Our threshold to pressure varies from individual to individual, whether a high pressure job is any better than a low pressure job depends on the individual?. More money usually means more work unless you have managed a strategy to get more money with minimal work. Not all jobs are about the money some are purely about the reward you get for being successful in your chosen field.  If we all chased the money more people would drop what they like, for what will bring them more dough. So if your passions aren't tied to a high end job then just focus on what job will fit your happiness requirements and let others dwell on their money situation and wonder why they have less time to enjoy because of their high paying job.

Saturday 2 September 2023


We strive to remove the hardship from our life so that we can live a life without stress and struggles, but its the intolerable levels of hardship that we have to face that has helped us in discovering our true potential. Living a life where the things that you desire are handed to you on a silver platter will only take your desire to try furrher away, because there is no sense of achievement for something that comes that easy to you, this eventually leaves you in a weaken and vulnerable state of mind where you wont do anything ever for yourself untill those helping remove thier assistance. A life that is so simple leaves us feeling that we cant achieve greatness because we have never got ourselves out of our comfort zone because the fear of failure has controlled us. Not trying to pursue our dreams and staying where we are most  comfortable is failing yourself because you have never given yourself the chance to meet your full potential. Let your passions guide you to a place where its worth the risk and even though you may fall there is nothing that can hold you down when your are focused on your passion. So if you plan to use your life appropriately then live it trying to reach your full potential chasing it passionately and maybe you'll surprise yourself because we only know what is around the corner if we get off the couch and look.

Tuesday 29 August 2023


Once you've reached the level of favoured you can do no wrong. You no longer have to share the repercussions of your actions that others have to face head on all because the others are seen in either a neutral or below neutral standing from those who are holding the  power stick. Even though we are supposedly all part of the same team only the favoured have an unlimited get out of jail free cards for all their indiscretions because they have managed to build a relationship with those in power. Those in power stretch out their neck to shield the favoured then go twice as heavy on anyone else who notices that the favours don't go all around. This forces you to play cat and mouse to even out the playing field. Once you choose to stand up for your beliefs the standing back up pounces onto you highlighting that the rules have changed for you and will continually change out of your favour. So you either put a lid on trying fight for equality by keeping peaceful thoughts against those who trample on peace with their lies or you confront the liar and wait to hear them stumble with the words that their are no favourites here.

Thursday 17 August 2023


Some people get frustrated if they are not the centre of attention all the time. When they are not included in the conversation they will pony around until the groups eyes are only on them. Showing off only when the crowd is watching them in the hope that you would see them as though they have things under complete control and that they are stand out happy all the time. Their disguise may please the crowd but when your show pony varies so much from your true self that will only come out when the doors are closed in the comfort of your own home it is unhealthy. Their insecurities force them to take part in a conversation even when they have nothing to say, this leads to them putting their dignity on the line all for a laugh. They parade the floor showing others that they are confident in all aspects of their life even though they might have struggles in their life that are adding to their insecurities. To ignore the pain is to deny the pain and how you are actually feeling now masking it with a smile will mean your sorrows will be overlooked and you will never have the assistance that could get you out of your slump. They don't realise that our struggles might be different but we all try to deal with them the best we can by not ignoring them and pretending they dont exist will put you in the line of faking your conversations all to prevent  anyone from getting to know the real you. The more you act past what you are really feeling the more the show pony takes control of you and puts you into a rollecoaster where you will lose yourself. So entertain all you like but not at the detriment of who you are. Acting the fool will lead to people treating you like a fool. Their is more substance in being real than ignoring your reality, so less pony and more you.

Tuesday 15 August 2023


Those of us who recognise the selfish acts of  people who use chameleon tactics to try to camouflage their true selfish intentions refuse to fall victim to their manipulative ways. The shifty chameleons dont like it when you can see through their lies and see them for who they really are because they strongly believe that they are smarter than those that they are trying to fool. Even though not everyone speaks up many see them for who they are but prefer to avoid the conflict that comes with confrontation. Showing them that you can see their true intentions forces them to change their tactics and forces them to come to terms with the fact that they arent as smart as they think that they are which results in them being overly frustrated and grumpier for most of the time. Many of the chameleons spend alot of their time on trying to figure out how they can manipulate someone even in the most normal conversations but they don't realise that when you steer away from your normal behaviour you stand out like a sore thumb. So if your nice only for some of the time then people will wonder what is your angle? And what do you you really want? Chameleons dont want to show you their true colours because the truth that they deny is a lot uglier when it's not filtered. So if you have grown to be selfish and you really don't stand for anything but your own needs than own it and see how many people choose to be a part of your world. Or be someone who people would rather flock to because you are the person who has others in mind when you make important decisions by showing others the respect that they show you. Your choices lead to your consequences so don't blame others for where you've ended up.

Wednesday 9 August 2023


If you look close enough you will see more than the superficial, you will see the layers of alternative perspectives that open your eyes to the truth. Where the facts are being ignored lies are put in place to mask the truth of the true situation all to protect those who are willing to be honest from being punished for stating the obvious truth. People who are aware of the outcome of sharing their honest thoughts choose to divert to lies all to ensure that their vulnerabilities aren't on show for the cynical minds to be able to disect their views and use them as a negative tell. If no one knows what your annoyances are then you are safe, but the actual truth is buried under all the lies of your deceit and neglect of the truth. So is it better to share the truth and risk the outcome that it brings for speaking the truth? Or is it better to not be the nail that stands up infront of the hammer waiting to knocked down? The answer is what do you have on the line? and is it worth your honest opinion?. We are all made different some of us see deeply into life while others are content being happy in their own ignorance, either way you do you because whatever gets you through the day and to the next is better than you being miserable and therefore struggling with life's challenges.

Monday 7 August 2023


How many times do the things that cause you discomfort have to repeat before we learn from them. Blinded by the bad repetitive behaviour we face, we are hopeful that the chances we give to others will eventually lead them to showing us the same respect that we have always showed them. The same issues that keep on arising are proof of someone being an opportunist who will always follow the same predictable patterns, "it's all about me philosophy". Nothing will change if you dont change it yourself by taking away their chance of opportunity. We are to blame if we let them disappreciate our value, for that we are not here to be their relief and saviour every time they get themselves into the deep end, especially when it is always going to be one sided. This would be okay if the respect shown were mutual but the moment you test a persons  loyalty is the moment you are disappointed by facts. They don't care about anyone but themselves, they believe the deserve more than the next person and they will never do half of what you do for them. So accept the fact that you are not appreciated and you will move forward once you cut your losses because of the time that you've felt that you have wasted trying to make the relationship work. Life is hard enough without having a so called friend dragging you down, so don't be hard on you be hard on them.

Friday 28 July 2023


There are those of us who will not stop until we come to the truth of the matter, no matter how exhausting the experience might be. Our persistence to search for truth outweighs our fear of failure while others on the other hand are content with keeping things simple in their life and prefer not to explore to deep into  broader possibilities all because they are afraid of what they might discover. The uninterested are believer's in the philosophy better the devil you know than the one you dont, unlike those who are inquisitive who thirst for truth the others search for comfort in knowing just enough to see them through the day. They have convinced themselves that the comfortable option is the best option because that is what they have gotten use to, no risk no loss. The safer comfortable people dont want to look to deep into things because of the questions that might arise will lead to answers that they might not be prepared for which might shed light on the things that they have spent a whole lot of time trying to avoid. Finding out something new about themselves might go against the person that they claim to be so staying away from testing their claims is much easier for them. Standing in the dark may be working for you now but eventually you'll have to step in the light where you can't hide from the lies that you claim to stand by. Remember if you can't discuss what you think freely then maybe you don't really believe it, so better workout what you do stand for and do that. 

Wednesday 26 July 2023


Most of us live a sheltered life where we do our best to stay in control of our own fate in a way where we feel safe so that way we won't have to face living an unpleasant lifestyle. We choose the path without risk all so we can avoid the dangers that may arise in the real world where our power to perfectly plan our desired outcome dwindles because it is impossible to plan for everything. As john lennon famously said "Life is what happens when you are busy making plans" this rings true with people who have mapped out their life from career to partner to kids to everything in-between and then they feel like their world has fallen apart because they are still single at the age of 25. Life needs you to put a good solid effort into it, you cant just sit in your safe place and expect everything to fall in your lap. When life feels hard then do the best you can do because that is all you can do, the more we avoid the parts of the world that frighten us the weaker we become so embrace life good and bad in your life but dont let it control you. The moment you take in life with a positive attitude will be the moment you realise that you in charge  one step closer to making the most of your life, so be brave and take your first step forward. 

Monday 17 July 2023


When a loved one dies it's like they have gone into another room where the door handle is on the otherside of you and there is no way to reach them. There is no prejudice when death finally reaches you because death will come to us all rich or poor, black or white, young or old. No one knows when you'll reach the end of your finish line which is one of the reasons that makes time one of the most precious things we have. That is why it is so important to work on your priorities so that you wont waste your time procrastinating with the things that dont matter. No matter where you stand or how close you are to achieving your lifes goals death will stop you in your tracks without any care of your current position so you better use the time you have and hope you've done all that was humanily possible to have lived a good full life. We are alone in death but it doesn't mean we have to be alone in life so surround yourself with friends and family and live a full happy life so that when your card is called you are ready to smile at the blessing of life that you've lived.


Truth and reality go out the window if politeness becomes more important than hurting the minds of the weak minded. Throughout all our life things either go the way we hoped for which makes us happy or we are unhappy because our lifes plans have gone pear shaped. No matter what cards we are dealt we deal with life's dramas the best we can because the only real choice we have is to be tougher than the tough times we have to face. Life is made up of memorable moments that we wish would last a lifetime and moments that we wish to forget sooner rather than later, but forgetting the tough times doesn't mean they didn't happen. Once you accept that there is no such life as one without the other you are able to finally get over it and move towards your next challenge. Being nice to someone is good but not at the detriment of others because wraping someone in cotton wool just so you can support their lies and cement their version of the truth will create chaos when the universal truth hits them hard because it doesn't support their made up truths. Alot of people rush in to be polite but at what cost if we keep on humouring those that find the truth and reality unbearable then our society will fracture because a community needs to be strong minded so that they can make the tough decisions that need to be made otherwise when the times get tougher we will be stuck with the delusional minded to work out the priorities of the now broken community. 

Sunday 16 July 2023


When we learn an alternative language we equip ourselves with the right tool to remove the barriers that keep us in the dark when trying to understand what someone is trying to say to us in their learned language. Sometimes our lack of knowledge in someone else tongue puts us in a pitfall of thinking where we believe our chosen mastered language should be the prominent language because it is known by the majority of people in the country that we reside in, but if you only have the power of your own learned language at your disposal then you are missing out on the beauty of language and all that comes with it. Their are more than 7100 languages spoken in the world today what makes you think your chosen language should be the only one that makes sense?. You could make so much more sense out of the world if you stopped thinking that your language is the only one that's important. Language is a beautiful tool that helps us understand what we as people are trying to communicate to one another, it is in our own weakness of misinterpretation that fails to understand what makes sense for us in our learned vocabulary does not make sense for those who speak a different language. Just because you might have the right word to express yourself in your own language their might not even be a word to match in the alternative vocabulary. So appreciate what you know but also be aware that the more languages you can experience the more understanding you would have of the unknown. 

Wednesday 21 June 2023


When you ignore the bad traits in someone just because it's easier to believe in the version of truth that you prefer, then you shouldn't be surprised by the bad outcome that follows all because you've chosen acceptance over doing the right thing when it mattered. Recognising the bad traits in someone but choosing to look past their indiscretions by tactfully switching your focus from the unpleasant feelings that your feeling that are inbuilt to keep you honest, but to choose to focus purely on the littlle positives that you take from your social interaction will only come back twofold when you finally realise that breaking your own morals will only taint your integrity. So when you are at these defining moments in your life that give you an opportunity to solidify your actions that support your claimed beliefs then make the right stance and be the person that you claim to be.The reason our brain either feels good or bad which ties to our own personal happiness is all based on our choices because our choices represent who we are and what we stand for, so if you can't say what you want to say infront of your peers then don't pretend that you are high and mighty above all others when your loyalties change like the wind. If you choose to focus purely on what characteristics someone should have to deserve your loyalty will the ones you've been supporting fit the mould?. Think hard how do you feel when that person leaves the room after conversing with you? Are you sated by the mutual respect or do you feel the respect is one sided? Are you ashamed that you didn't stand up and say what you really think when they were out of line? Or are you ashamed at yourself when you agreed with their statements knowing they were out of line? Maybe the real problem is that we think we are better than our neighbour when we are more the same as those that we spend a lot of time trying to convince ourselves that our intentions are true and theirs is not.


We are constantly challenged by our own conscience to do the right thing when making decisions that may not only affect ourselves  but may also have and impact on others. Those decisions made purely on the angle of proving that we are a good person with a high moral standing will fail to hold true when we are tested to see if we are willing to stand by our claims no matter the circumstances. Our attempts to show others that our actions are in true alignment will fail if our behaviour isn't sincere, thats why It is solely our actions that show others who we really are and not our words. If we cannot justify our actions to our conscience we are forced  to manoeuvre around our moral compass and go against what we naturally feel is right all in the attempt to distract ourselves from the truth that we really are selfish. You cannot run from the truth because your conscience will catch up with you eventually. A clear conscience is the quickest pathway to happiness so without a clear conscience you will be stuck in limbo trying to work out why you are finding it so hard to be happy. You can find it nearly impossible to feel good when you dont have a clear conscience  so either you accept that you are who you are and own it or be a better actor and convince your toughest audience "You", that you are a good person even if your actions show otherwise and you may be able to start smiling again even if its all based on a big fat lie.

Friday 16 June 2023


The mob mentality is all about pushing the differences between men versus women,  but all this tactic does is show us how alike we are. We are both equally focused only on our own group distracted by the negative noise polution that the opposition creates to sway our focus from our shared interests. The strategic distractions try to sway us with fear to forget that we are both chasing the same thing. We both crave to mean something to our friends and to our family. We also both desire to be seen as a positive impact on the world that we will one day leave behind, hopefully not to soon and long enough to be remembered as a positive force to be reckoned with. The fact that we try and deny our similarities and spend wasteful energy highlighting how we are better than the opposite sex is proof enough to cementify that we are cut from the same cloth and share many similar characteristics even the bad and stubborn ones. Our differences may separate us but its our similarities that help us relate to one another and bridge the gap that fear puts in-between us. So remember that without the companionship of the opposite sex the community will not grow and we will remain lost stuck fearing the differences of others all because we chose to stay focused only on ourselves. 

Thursday 15 June 2023


We spend alot of our time working on our bodies trying to make us look more appealing to ourselves and to others all in the name of being healthier and hopefully happier. We believe that once we've reached our ideal body image that happiness will soon follow, this would of been true if looks were everlasting and having a good mindset wasn't so important to anyone. Happiness that is focused purely on your body image will fail to hold relevance to those whom we are wanting to impress who may have higher expectations for us than what looks are able to hold on their own. If we focus our free time only on the body then we will leave the mind in a fragile state where our own negligence has failed to strengthen our mind to cope with the dramas that life may bring. Without a balanced mind we will drown in the anxiety that our neglect has created and struggle with anyone challenging our beliefs. A healthy mind will steer you in the right direction to happiness, without a good grasp of reality your mindset will find it harder to stand by you with the confidence that surety brings. You need to be confident in who you are and what you stand for otherwise peoples criticism will stick where you can't support your argument. So be sure that say what you believe and believe what you say otherwise the only words you'll utter when questioned why do you believe what you believe? is ahm.

Monday 12 June 2023


We all like to think that we are a good person but on what measure of scale do we measure what makes a person good?. We all can't be good all of the time because if that were true why do we fight with one another when times get tough?. What motivates a person to be good? Is it karma that directs a person's intentions?. Or does the honour go to our own conscience which through persistence has eventually won by getting through to us past our stubborn side and successfully steering us in the direction of being good?. Whatever the motivation is that allows us to put others before ourselves and be as fair as is humanily possible, is our now new and improved self enough to cancel the wrongs we may have made in our past? The simplest way to answer the question are we a good person is to know the affect you have on others not only when you are infront of them but when you've left their presence. Are your peers left with neutral, positive or negative energy in your absence?, that is a question you could either confidently answer or you'd rather remain distracted because you might find yourself realising that what you ask of people is something you are not willing to do for them. So are you a good person or not?

Sunday 4 June 2023


Connecting with someone in your social circle beyond idle chit chat can help build up on a bond that goes beyond just being friendly. The unity you share with them helps strengthen your bond and cements the decision to treat them like family where you would do more for them than for any other person in your social circle. Friends with the added benefits of looking the other way when they break the rules, even at the cost of what is obviously ignoring your moral compass. You allow your friend to break the rules that you preach to others not to do or else because of your connection with your so called loyal friend and at the detriment of your own moral system. We defend the people we like and highlight the negative in the people we dont even if our friends share some similar characteristics to those that we complain about. If there is a change in the relationship and our friends cross the line too much where we can not ignore their disrespectful decisions we are forced to take our blinkers off and bare witness to whom our once loyal friend has become.  In the times we stopped putting them in check we compromised our own values, this was the same moment that they dishonoured our loyalty and made the repetitive mistake by confusing our kindness for a weakness because they thought that we didn't acknowledge their indiscretions. What you ignore today will come back twofold and you will find it impossible to ignore then so speak your mind before you lose your mind. 

Thursday 25 May 2023


We all like to think that we are a good judge of character, but in hindsight how many of us regret past decisions with past encounters. It is our past that shapes us into who we are, if we deny the honest mistakes that we've made in our past how can we appreciate the challenges that we've struggled through and overcame. It may have been our bad choices that have brought us down to our lowest state of mind but it was our courage to persevere that pulled us out of depth of depression and helped build up our resilience to handle any situation mad or not. Life without pain without any push back of difficult situations creates an ill prepared mind that will crumble when challenged. So closing your heart and your mind doesn't make you safer from hurt it makes you less resilient when the shit hits the fan. Stronger minds are open to the world all of it good and bad. Iife is not about surviving with an easier path choosing to focus only on the good and ignore the bad , life is about opening up and growing up being vulnerable to the world is how you feel the world. We are more than ourselves we are part of a community that's why when we feel the pain of those who are suffering we try to do what we can to alleviate their pain. Happy you happy me and remember stop helping those who only think of themselves otherwise you will be dragged in their misery. 

Sunday 21 May 2023


We all like to think that because we are all in the same boat that the odds are more likely that we will all share similar outcomes, but this is only true if we were all seen with the same torch in the same light. It is a part of human nature that we may click with some people easier than others, some of us no matter how hard you try interacting with them it feels like a grind match to even be in the same room. It is also human nature that we shield the ones we care about by any means possible, the better connection we have with them the more likely that we will position ourselves in danger in order to take the brunt of impact. Our relationships are tied to the roles that we have with one another, these roles once appointed are fused by the loyalties of friendship of which the bond becomes stronger in time with shared experiences. No matter the amount of disappointing circumstances that may arise to dishonour the so called honest bond you have with your companion going against your devoted companion can make you feel like another failure to add to your already bad decisions from your past. So stick with them even if it means you have to modify your core beliefs or maybe they will just become the person that they claim to be in time. Questioning the roles given would cast a negative view on the captain of the ship which is heresy. So know your role and learn to ignore the obvious underlying rule that you can ride safe passage for now but only for now because when anything goes pear shaped its because of your overpowering influence on your peers.

Thursday 18 May 2023


Throughout the day we converse with our peers in the hope that what we are saying to them is listened to and considered with an open mind. Whether the point or points we are making are connecting or not the lending of their ear with an open mind is enough to show us that they have been respectful during the discourse. Without showing mutual respect for one another the conversation is dead and can not be revived because a lack of respect for the party that you are trying to converse with will only make it harder for you in the end to be able to take in any of what they are trying to say,  good points or not. The key is to shut out the emotional side of you that steers you to a resentment towards the person and blocks your ability to listen to the points that they are trying to make. A bad person can still make a good point the moment you can look past your resentment for the person, will be the moment that you can grow from a lesson that was learned and not ignored all because of who was teaching the lesson. We are surrounded by peers that can teach us a thing or two about another perspective alternative to our own so dont let your arrogance only give them half of your time when you could be better off with their point of view.

Sunday 14 May 2023


The further we distance ourselves from our true self the part of us that always stays true to our wants and needs no matter of the consequences, the quicker we lose our true potential value. It is within our capabilities to use our desires to reach our true potential but if we keep on changing our philosophy to suit the consensus so do we begin to lose our ourselves in the crowd of pressured acceptance. Choosing to break your philosophy will only take you away from your imbededed goals and lead you to a path that will never satisfy your true self. It is in our misdirected values that our passion to perform loses its spark and the motivation to support our actions becomes compromised with little to no impact on the world. Our effectiveness to perform is magnified when we are on the right path and happy. Life is about not letting the uncomfortable situations stop you from reaching your true happiness that comes when you have finally reached your desired goals, this can only be reached by being the best version of yourself that you can be. Its not about following a crowd that you don't agree with just for a smoother ride. So are you merely existing in a crowd that you dont want to be a part of or are you living to strive for the lifestyle you crave?. The choice is yours and so is the outcome. 

Sunday 7 May 2023


Times seem to be going in a direction that no one could of ever predicted. What used to be considered simple is now confusing for the most of us who have regarded the lessons in our classroom as factual. When we had a hypothesis in science or psychology we would do an experiment to test our claims which  provided us with proof that our claims were either true or proven to be false. We now have been informed that what we've grown up to know as factual is all wrong and is based on an archaic way of thinking by those who need to justify their own version of the truth. Nuanced thinkers acknowledge that a person has multiple characteristics that can not be easily characterised and should not be placed in the same box as others even though they may share many similarities. Our differences of opinions put us at loggerheads with each other more than ever before arguing about how science is wrong and psychology is more about a persons own perception of themselves rather than the universal truth that keeps them grounded in a shared reality that we are all apart of no matter how unique we think we are. Their truth is more important than what the majority may see as true and their views dont have to be connected to the universal truth because their personal truth is much more satisfying than the unpleasant truths that go against what they themselves consider logical, so its easier and better to push away anyone or anything that may take away your false confidence rather than facing the universal truth by accepting the philosophy it is what it is, so embracing the truth will set you free and you won't need to wonder why you are getting angry all the time. Your life your freedom of choice, but don't you go sacrificing my freedoms because your freedoms shouldn't come at the expense of mine.

Tuesday 2 May 2023


Our past self is but an echo of who we use to be sometimes unrecognisable to who we've now grown up to become. Would our younger self approve of the changes that you've made on their behalf and be proud to recognise that they were the first step that guided us to become the person that we are today or will they feel ashamed that we've changed so much from the person that they were hoping to become. Growing up we all have hopes and dreams that are lost when we are forced face the world with a sense of maturity that pushes us to hold onto whats real rather than a childhood fantasy that can be too risky to pursue. Our choices are weighed and decisions are made for what we believe is the betterment of our desired lifestyle, but is it better to choose the odds that are in your favour and let go of your childhood dreams? or deny what is real now to chase the dreams that might lead you to a utopian lifestyle?. Most people before making any life changing decisions weigh the impact it has on them to determine what is the mature decision whether its to pursue or to let go. We may believe that if we had the chance to turn the clock back we would choose a different path but the truth is the decisions that we made were made with a clear conscience. So don't be hard on yourself because your younger version will grow to understand the choices that you've made were the right choices for the both of you.

Monday 1 May 2023


We are  continuously exploring ourselves trying to work out what our priorities are by focusing on what interests us the most. Interests can come and go as quickly as we discover them but only a few will stick with us. Some of us are lucky enough that we have multiple interests which enables us to choose our options of interests and spread them out throughout our day never to be bored. On the opposite scale there are others who are captivated only by a few options of interests and prefer to keep things simpler with less interests to focus on. These individuals have more time to perfect their interests with less distractions to interrupt them from what they are currently focusing on. Is life more rewarding if you enjoy more things? Or Is life better if you focused on less allowing you to take in everything about your chosen interests and be one with your interest. Those who only focus on one thing become masters in their chosen field but at what cost?. Is the depth of your character measured by the amount of your interests youve claimed to have? Or Is your choice to focus on one interests a good representation that you are committed to your chosen interests?. Whatever you choose to focus on as long as it adds to your happiness there is no need to find an excuse for it because we are our interests and we should be proud of the things that we choose to spend our free time doing.

Saturday 29 April 2023


Whether you're an acquaintance, friend or close friend what does it take to climb the ladder of friendship so that others will be able to call you a close friend? Some might say time and shared experiences is the answer to build up enough rapport to be able to call someone a close friend and as logical as that may sound the true answer is its really about boundaries. You could share a lifetime of experiences with someone but if they place boundaries on what is a permitable topic of conversation that can be discussed this might not align with what your preferences of conversation are. Restrictions to conversation will take away any lingering topics on your mind and push them away out of bounds to be ignored because it isnt a desirable topic of conversation for your so called close friend. Some people will meet someone for the first time and feel instantly comfortable enough to talk about anything with no set boundaries to taint the direction of the conversation. This type of connection can surpass any limited long term relationship in a vast quicker time frame. Close friends are their to support you by giving you their ear and their advice without restrictions of boundaries getting in the way of a deep and meaningful conversation. Close friends don't want to let you down because they believe in treating you with the same respect you treat them. So you may easily call someone your close friend but when you try to initiate a sensitive conversation will they stop you in your tracks and give you their ear?

Wednesday 26 April 2023


Most people get along with most types of people quite easily with the help of their  social skills. Whether you chatting to someone about common interests or your intrigued by topics that you know nothing about, the drive to be social comes with many rewards. We as people a sociable creatures most of what we do we like to do with others, whether its because sharing our experiences with others heightens our own personal experiences or its just purely for the reason to get to know someone on a more personal level we are driven to socialise. Life without friends or family time can feel a little pointless because acquaintances can only get your social meter so far and you cant expect any acquaintance to go out of their way to accommodate for any of your unfair requests. Life truly feels more fulfilling when you share your experiences with your friends and family who will back you up when you  need it and help you when you are struggling with the pot holes of life because of the long term emotional connection you'll always have their support when you feel sad and lost. So socialise and be happy in knowing that an independent person may be strong alone but a group full of friends and family will always conquer.

Friday 21 April 2023


We are all creatures of habit and because of this we can easily overlook the things that we are constantly complaining about that can also be found in our own set routines. This is mostly a problem for those who spend most of their time looking outwards and never in. It is even harder for those who are bitter and full of resentment to connect the dots between their personal frustrations with their peers and the things that they do themselves regularly enough that don't differ that much from those that they feel very comfortable to complain about. It is understandable to see that some time or another that we all may show a little hypocrisy in our actions but a little may be the result of you not feeling yourself because your having a bad day whereas those whose majority of their conversation consists of complaining about others it is obvious that they are only happy when they are putting someone down. If someone finds it easier to complain about the actions of others than striking up an interesting conversation then maybe they should spare a moment of their time to explore what about their own life isn't worth talking about in a positive light when they are conversing with their peers. There has to be more topics of conversation than what's wrong why not mix it up a little and talk about what's right with the world and see if others will gravitate towards your positivity. What do you have to lose other than your negative aura?.

Tuesday 18 April 2023


Your outlook on life is heavily reliant on your chosen environment whether you are surrounded by positive energy that is uplifting to your spirit or negative energy that keeps you down in a place where you feel at your most insecure it is up to you to choose your environment carefully. No matter on the strength of your spirit, being tested on a daily basis you might of convinced yourself that its character building and it will increase your endurance but is the constant barrage good for your moral?. It is hard to stay true to yourself if your moral is low because your moral is what motivates you to move forward when your feeling down and you don't know what to do. During the tough times when you can feel disheartened by the dilemmas your facing it is only the show of moral that has the power to lift your spirit up and without the presence of moral we become robotic by showing no emotions. In robotic mode we only do the bare necessary without the extra effort that you normally would put in when your moral is high and feel good about what you are doing . Our undesirable chosen environment tries to push away the humanity in us because it is the humanity that connects us to our moral. Knowing one's self is the grandest task of all and going against what feels right is bad for your soul hence will only lead you to unhappiness. So follow your heart and keep your moral intact otherwise your choices will lead you to a place where you find it impossible to justify the reasoning behind your choices.

Friday 14 April 2023


The rich will always think they're right because they believe the masses that they have acrued represents that all their choices in life are always going to be spot on even the ones that don't concern finances. It is hard for them to see that they could be wrong when they are surrounded by so much wealth but as much as they can afford all the materials that money can buy without a balanced mindset it is easy to lose sight of what their money can not reach. Not everything has a price tag loyalty from close friends that are there by your side because of your honourable qualities and not there because of the size of wallet. A man with less money and more true friends is richer than a rich man with no true friends only paid ones. Respect goes along way further than money will ever reach, respect from your peers can not be bought and if it could why would anyone ever want respect that wasn't earnt and based purely on what you paid for it. If you were a (wo)man of your worth you would only want what you have earned fairly knowing that you followed the rules and didn't step on anyone to climb the hierarchical ladder just to reach your goal. The satisfaction of being triumphant honourably will fill you up with satisfaction that rings true through your whole body that builds a solid foundation that good people will flock to. If you achieve success dishonesty you will be left feeling shameful, so be proud to be good instead let the dishonest be alone wasting their money on those who will leave the moment the money leaves.