Tuesday, 15 August 2023


Those of us who recognise the selfish acts of  people who use chameleon tactics to try to camouflage their true selfish intentions refuse to fall victim to their manipulative ways. The shifty chameleons dont like it when you can see through their lies and see them for who they really are because they strongly believe that they are smarter than those that they are trying to fool. Even though not everyone speaks up many see them for who they are but prefer to avoid the conflict that comes with confrontation. Showing them that you can see their true intentions forces them to change their tactics and forces them to come to terms with the fact that they arent as smart as they think that they are which results in them being overly frustrated and grumpier for most of the time. Many of the chameleons spend alot of their time on trying to figure out how they can manipulate someone even in the most normal conversations but they don't realise that when you steer away from your normal behaviour you stand out like a sore thumb. So if your nice only for some of the time then people will wonder what is your angle? And what do you you really want? Chameleons dont want to show you their true colours because the truth that they deny is a lot uglier when it's not filtered. So if you have grown to be selfish and you really don't stand for anything but your own needs than own it and see how many people choose to be a part of your world. Or be someone who people would rather flock to because you are the person who has others in mind when you make important decisions by showing others the respect that they show you. Your choices lead to your consequences so don't blame others for where you've ended up.

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