Wednesday 21 June 2023


When you ignore the bad traits in someone just because it's easier to believe in the version of truth that you prefer, then you shouldn't be surprised by the bad outcome that follows all because you've chosen acceptance over doing the right thing when it mattered. Recognising the bad traits in someone but choosing to look past their indiscretions by tactfully switching your focus from the unpleasant feelings that your feeling that are inbuilt to keep you honest, but to choose to focus purely on the littlle positives that you take from your social interaction will only come back twofold when you finally realise that breaking your own morals will only taint your integrity. So when you are at these defining moments in your life that give you an opportunity to solidify your actions that support your claimed beliefs then make the right stance and be the person that you claim to be.The reason our brain either feels good or bad which ties to our own personal happiness is all based on our choices because our choices represent who we are and what we stand for, so if you can't say what you want to say infront of your peers then don't pretend that you are high and mighty above all others when your loyalties change like the wind. If you choose to focus purely on what characteristics someone should have to deserve your loyalty will the ones you've been supporting fit the mould?. Think hard how do you feel when that person leaves the room after conversing with you? Are you sated by the mutual respect or do you feel the respect is one sided? Are you ashamed that you didn't stand up and say what you really think when they were out of line? Or are you ashamed at yourself when you agreed with their statements knowing they were out of line? Maybe the real problem is that we think we are better than our neighbour when we are more the same as those that we spend a lot of time trying to convince ourselves that our intentions are true and theirs is not.


We are constantly challenged by our own conscience to do the right thing when making decisions that may not only affect ourselves  but may also have and impact on others. Those decisions made purely on the angle of proving that we are a good person with a high moral standing will fail to hold true when we are tested to see if we are willing to stand by our claims no matter the circumstances. Our attempts to show others that our actions are in true alignment will fail if our behaviour isn't sincere, thats why It is solely our actions that show others who we really are and not our words. If we cannot justify our actions to our conscience we are forced  to manoeuvre around our moral compass and go against what we naturally feel is right all in the attempt to distract ourselves from the truth that we really are selfish. You cannot run from the truth because your conscience will catch up with you eventually. A clear conscience is the quickest pathway to happiness so without a clear conscience you will be stuck in limbo trying to work out why you are finding it so hard to be happy. You can find it nearly impossible to feel good when you dont have a clear conscience  so either you accept that you are who you are and own it or be a better actor and convince your toughest audience "You", that you are a good person even if your actions show otherwise and you may be able to start smiling again even if its all based on a big fat lie.

Friday 16 June 2023


The mob mentality is all about pushing the differences between men versus women,  but all this tactic does is show us how alike we are. We are both equally focused only on our own group distracted by the negative noise polution that the opposition creates to sway our focus from our shared interests. The strategic distractions try to sway us with fear to forget that we are both chasing the same thing. We both crave to mean something to our friends and to our family. We also both desire to be seen as a positive impact on the world that we will one day leave behind, hopefully not to soon and long enough to be remembered as a positive force to be reckoned with. The fact that we try and deny our similarities and spend wasteful energy highlighting how we are better than the opposite sex is proof enough to cementify that we are cut from the same cloth and share many similar characteristics even the bad and stubborn ones. Our differences may separate us but its our similarities that help us relate to one another and bridge the gap that fear puts in-between us. So remember that without the companionship of the opposite sex the community will not grow and we will remain lost stuck fearing the differences of others all because we chose to stay focused only on ourselves. 

Thursday 15 June 2023


We spend alot of our time working on our bodies trying to make us look more appealing to ourselves and to others all in the name of being healthier and hopefully happier. We believe that once we've reached our ideal body image that happiness will soon follow, this would of been true if looks were everlasting and having a good mindset wasn't so important to anyone. Happiness that is focused purely on your body image will fail to hold relevance to those whom we are wanting to impress who may have higher expectations for us than what looks are able to hold on their own. If we focus our free time only on the body then we will leave the mind in a fragile state where our own negligence has failed to strengthen our mind to cope with the dramas that life may bring. Without a balanced mind we will drown in the anxiety that our neglect has created and struggle with anyone challenging our beliefs. A healthy mind will steer you in the right direction to happiness, without a good grasp of reality your mindset will find it harder to stand by you with the confidence that surety brings. You need to be confident in who you are and what you stand for otherwise peoples criticism will stick where you can't support your argument. So be sure that say what you believe and believe what you say otherwise the only words you'll utter when questioned why do you believe what you believe? is ahm.

Monday 12 June 2023


We all like to think that we are a good person but on what measure of scale do we measure what makes a person good?. We all can't be good all of the time because if that were true why do we fight with one another when times get tough?. What motivates a person to be good? Is it karma that directs a person's intentions?. Or does the honour go to our own conscience which through persistence has eventually won by getting through to us past our stubborn side and successfully steering us in the direction of being good?. Whatever the motivation is that allows us to put others before ourselves and be as fair as is humanily possible, is our now new and improved self enough to cancel the wrongs we may have made in our past? The simplest way to answer the question are we a good person is to know the affect you have on others not only when you are infront of them but when you've left their presence. Are your peers left with neutral, positive or negative energy in your absence?, that is a question you could either confidently answer or you'd rather remain distracted because you might find yourself realising that what you ask of people is something you are not willing to do for them. So are you a good person or not?

Sunday 4 June 2023


Connecting with someone in your social circle beyond idle chit chat can help build up on a bond that goes beyond just being friendly. The unity you share with them helps strengthen your bond and cements the decision to treat them like family where you would do more for them than for any other person in your social circle. Friends with the added benefits of looking the other way when they break the rules, even at the cost of what is obviously ignoring your moral compass. You allow your friend to break the rules that you preach to others not to do or else because of your connection with your so called loyal friend and at the detriment of your own moral system. We defend the people we like and highlight the negative in the people we dont even if our friends share some similar characteristics to those that we complain about. If there is a change in the relationship and our friends cross the line too much where we can not ignore their disrespectful decisions we are forced to take our blinkers off and bare witness to whom our once loyal friend has become.  In the times we stopped putting them in check we compromised our own values, this was the same moment that they dishonoured our loyalty and made the repetitive mistake by confusing our kindness for a weakness because they thought that we didn't acknowledge their indiscretions. What you ignore today will come back twofold and you will find it impossible to ignore then so speak your mind before you lose your mind.