Sunday 4 June 2023


Connecting with someone in your social circle beyond idle chit chat can help build up on a bond that goes beyond just being friendly. The unity you share with them helps strengthen your bond and cements the decision to treat them like family where you would do more for them than for any other person in your social circle. Friends with the added benefits of looking the other way when they break the rules, even at the cost of what is obviously ignoring your moral compass. You allow your friend to break the rules that you preach to others not to do or else because of your connection with your so called loyal friend and at the detriment of your own moral system. We defend the people we like and highlight the negative in the people we dont even if our friends share some similar characteristics to those that we complain about. If there is a change in the relationship and our friends cross the line too much where we can not ignore their disrespectful decisions we are forced to take our blinkers off and bare witness to whom our once loyal friend has become.  In the times we stopped putting them in check we compromised our own values, this was the same moment that they dishonoured our loyalty and made the repetitive mistake by confusing our kindness for a weakness because they thought that we didn't acknowledge their indiscretions. What you ignore today will come back twofold and you will find it impossible to ignore then so speak your mind before you lose your mind. 

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