Wednesday 21 June 2023


When you ignore the bad traits in someone just because it's easier to believe in the version of truth that you prefer, then you shouldn't be surprised by the bad outcome that follows all because you've chosen acceptance over doing the right thing when it mattered. Recognising the bad traits in someone but choosing to look past their indiscretions by tactfully switching your focus from the unpleasant feelings that your feeling that are inbuilt to keep you honest, but to choose to focus purely on the littlle positives that you take from your social interaction will only come back twofold when you finally realise that breaking your own morals will only taint your integrity. So when you are at these defining moments in your life that give you an opportunity to solidify your actions that support your claimed beliefs then make the right stance and be the person that you claim to be.The reason our brain either feels good or bad which ties to our own personal happiness is all based on our choices because our choices represent who we are and what we stand for, so if you can't say what you want to say infront of your peers then don't pretend that you are high and mighty above all others when your loyalties change like the wind. If you choose to focus purely on what characteristics someone should have to deserve your loyalty will the ones you've been supporting fit the mould?. Think hard how do you feel when that person leaves the room after conversing with you? Are you sated by the mutual respect or do you feel the respect is one sided? Are you ashamed that you didn't stand up and say what you really think when they were out of line? Or are you ashamed at yourself when you agreed with their statements knowing they were out of line? Maybe the real problem is that we think we are better than our neighbour when we are more the same as those that we spend a lot of time trying to convince ourselves that our intentions are true and theirs is not.

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