Monday, 17 July 2023


Truth and reality go out the window if politeness becomes more important than hurting the minds of the weak minded. Throughout all our life things either go the way we hoped for which makes us happy or we are unhappy because our lifes plans have gone pear shaped. No matter what cards we are dealt we deal with life's dramas the best we can because the only real choice we have is to be tougher than the tough times we have to face. Life is made up of memorable moments that we wish would last a lifetime and moments that we wish to forget sooner rather than later, but forgetting the tough times doesn't mean they didn't happen. Once you accept that there is no such life as one without the other you are able to finally get over it and move towards your next challenge. Being nice to someone is good but not at the detriment of others because wraping someone in cotton wool just so you can support their lies and cement their version of the truth will create chaos when the universal truth hits them hard because it doesn't support their made up truths. Alot of people rush in to be polite but at what cost if we keep on humouring those that find the truth and reality unbearable then our society will fracture because a community needs to be strong minded so that they can make the tough decisions that need to be made otherwise when the times get tougher we will be stuck with the delusional minded to work out the priorities of the now broken community. 

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