Wednesday 20 December 2023


The opportunist of the world like to take advantage of people's placid nature because they believe that their chosen victim is too relaxed to speak up and take a stand. Their line of thought is that if you arent going to speak up and stand up for yourself then no harm no foul. The voluntary victims can feel conflicted when they catch on to game that they are forced to play and are in two minds whether they should highlight that they are no fool to the opportunist strategies, or whether they should just play along ignoring the pitfalls that they may have to face all in the name of keeping the peace. Keeping the peace may seem to be the easier pathway to choose but at what cost is it having on you when you are knowingly choosing to ignore the attempts of the opportunist who is constantly chipping away at your integrity without any disregard on how it may impact on your well-being. Why do you put his or her needs above our own when we know that their selfish ways will eventually victimise us. We as a people can not reach a true heightened level of happiness if we are going against what our common sense is trying to tell us. It is our common sense that will guide us through the mess that bad decisions have lead us to. So more following your head because your head has your heart in mind whereas your heart only has what feels good at the time, which will only lead you to scratching your head wondering how did you get here.

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