Loyalty seems to be on the decline, its no longer the standard trait that comes with having any kind of relationship. Now there are certain evolving provisos in any relationship where what used to be a simple show of mutual respect to one another has now changed in favour for those whose voice is louder than their peers. Those that are in the lime light who proudly voice their longings out loud crave more than what is on offer from their peers and dont put in a second thought into letting anyone know their requirements. What used to be considered a reciprocal understanding between those who have built up a bond through shared experiences is now irrelevant because the world now looks after the ones who have the louder voice whether its fair or not. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" seems to be the alot of people's motto whch is a lesson in life that was learnt when they noticed through trial and error that their woes were met with positive reinforcement when they spoke up. Loyalty is a character trait that defines what type of person you are, those who are unable to show loyalty to anyone but themselves are conditioned by those who will go out of their way to please the complainer. So the only person at fault is the person who reinforces their bad behaviour. If we want people to behave rightly we must show them that they need to be loyal to positive values otherwise their negative ways will result in digging them deeper into their own misfortune. People will be loyal to those that are loyal to them, so if you wonder why people are treating you like a push over maybe its because you let them.
We all have moments where we feel we've lost our mind, and a little mind rescue is the only way of getting us back on track. So open up and share your problems with the world because two brains are better than one. The more people that get involved the bigger the brainstorm and the better your chances of solving your dilemma. So click on the label help wanted on the right hand side of your computer screen, mobiles need to click on view web version located on the bottom of your screen.
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