Tuesday, 18 April 2023


Your outlook on life is heavily reliant on your chosen environment whether you are surrounded by positive energy that is uplifting to your spirit or negative energy that keeps you down in a place where you feel at your most insecure it is up to you to choose your environment carefully. No matter on the strength of your spirit, being tested on a daily basis you might of convinced yourself that its character building and it will increase your endurance but is the constant barrage good for your moral?. It is hard to stay true to yourself if your moral is low because your moral is what motivates you to move forward when your feeling down and you don't know what to do. During the tough times when you can feel disheartened by the dilemmas your facing it is only the show of moral that has the power to lift your spirit up and without the presence of moral we become robotic by showing no emotions. In robotic mode we only do the bare necessary without the extra effort that you normally would put in when your moral is high and feel good about what you are doing . Our undesirable chosen environment tries to push away the humanity in us because it is the humanity that connects us to our moral. Knowing one's self is the grandest task of all and going against what feels right is bad for your soul hence will only lead you to unhappiness. So follow your heart and keep your moral intact otherwise your choices will lead you to a place where you find it impossible to justify the reasoning behind your choices.

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