Sunday, 15 October 2023


Choosing to self isolate for most of your free time can show people that you don't want them to be an important part in your life. Separating yourself from the ones who love you can be considered a selfish act to those who just want to spend some meaningful time with you. Distancing yourself may give you some peace of mind to focus on yourself but eventually the distance you put between yourself and those who care about you will only expand, making it even harder to connect with them when you are finally have a chance to. Everyone has their own unique threshold once their limit has been reached it is nearly impossible to regain their trust. We all may be restricted by time restraints but that is what makes the time so special that we choose to spend with others. When you choose to use your little free time to reconnect with the people you care about they feel respected and will find it alot easier to do the same for you. You cannot expect people to go out of their way to do something for you if you have no intention to do the same for them. They say that love is unconditional but there are always conditions otherwise its a one side love affair. We may not expect others to move mountains for us but showing them a little respect goes a long way. So have your free time when you need it but be aware that happiness is magnified when you share your life with the ones you care about. 

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