Wednesday, 5 January 2022


At conception your biological anatomy is decided which makes you a man or woman. In some instances a child is born with both male and female sex organs this makes them a hermaphrodite. Men or women who feel that they were born in the wrong body might change their biological anatomy and transform into a transgender person. If a transgender person just needed to change their gender and identify as the opposite sex merely by choosing to be the chosen sex, they could of skipped the hormonal treatment and painful operation. Transgender people could of saved themselves from the strenuous operation and just changed their gender to the preferred one if they truly believed it was enough to transform into the desired sex. On the same instance what makes a man a man and a woman a woman, I don't think it's a choice. If sex and gender are completely different for everyone than I know my sex is a male but I'm confused how my gender takes pole position in identifying who i am if it is based on your social and cultural factors. How does my gender identify me and not my sex. When did the science change that the characteristics became the way we identify as. If I were to introduce my children I wouldnt say this is my two femine girls who are shy but at the end of this meeting they may transform to masculine boys because gender is just a construct. If gender is a construct then everything we know about biology and science should be scrapped and back to the drawing board.

Tuesday, 4 January 2022


Some people would rather make themselves unapproachable as a technique to try to distance themselves from certain people in their life. This is so they could fall back on the excuse "That person doesn't like me enough to make a genuine effort " then they dont have feel that they are the bad guy in this unstable relationship. Blaming someone for the lack of effort even though your forcing their hand with your rudeness was never going to be tolerated, you may as well never had tried in the first place. Wasting your time and theirs makes little sense when recognising that time is one of the most precious commodities we have so respect yours and theirs. Give what you are to those who want your time and leave well enough alone to those who show you little respect. 

Friday, 31 December 2021


Curiosity killed the cat is a proverb that try's to turn off your desire to investigate because it could lead to danger and misfortune. We have grown in a society that keeps people limited in how they interact because of the chance of offending others. This kind of mentality hinders relationships that would be open to all forms of discussion all because of fears that are instilled in the minds of the curious. We are an evolving race without the search for the unknown we will never discover anything new. So forget about the cat and keep your mind intuitive to the ever changing world.


The smartest person in the world couldn't convince someone to change their mind once that person has already made up their mind. Whether you try to tackle pros and cons to justify how you got to the outcome it really doesn't matter because as the saying goes you can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink. If people aren't willing you can not force them to think the way you do. Thinking is a matter of perspective and getting people to see from your point of view will only work if they desire it. No force of inception can get them to stay on your side of the fence. To have their attention for a brief moment will not carry as the voice of reason all the time. People will do what makes them happy no matter who tries to grab their focus. So you may try to educate but in the end do the smart thing and not force someone on your side that they won't remain loyal to.

Thursday, 30 December 2021


People go to psychiatrist to find clarity in their life, a truth that can bring them closer to inner peace away from the struggles that feeling alone can bring. We all strive to find our place in the world but if we base our truth on false beliefs we will feel attacked when anyone questions them. You ethhical beliefs are your foundation that define who you are as an individual which is where your true strengths lie allowing yourself to see things as they are which will enhance your perspective dramatically and transform you to accept the true nature of a particular situation. Life is what you make it so don't base it on a stack of cards that could topple in the wind, base it on truths that are universal because they will always remain, where as what is right for now will change with the trends. Following trends will put you at the mercy of whats popular not what is right. 

Wednesday, 29 December 2021


 Just watched a clip of "GOOD MORNING BRITAIN" where a film that was made by the BBC for schools' support in PSHE classes for 9 to 12 year olds are explained that there are more than 100 different gender identities. Doctors might have to keep this list near them when a soon to be parent asks what sex my child is? The world will be changed forever because they might have to make more prison types to suit all of those non male and non-female gender types who have broken the law. We also might have to consider how sports should be compared in competitions it's no longer men and women we have to be fair and consider the other minorities. If those who haven't studied biology can choose what they identify as then praise the modern times we no longer have to limit ourselves by facts my childhood dreams can come to fruition that I can be whatever I want no matter what proof I have to support my claim, then hurray for my unlimited imagination.

Tuesday, 21 December 2021


Moreland City Council desires to change their name over links to slave labour is their first attempt to be seen as a council who has the public best interests at heart  but is it enough to change the public's already perception on this particular council. Changing your name to show that you can be respectful of the public state of mind are your intentions true or has your Customer Service Team been overwhelmed by complaints. Claiming that you are here to support your community during these tough times then when a member of the community gets an parking infringement fine at 4.14 pm which is 14 minutes from fine to park shows little to no compassion especially when the trip involved was going to the chemist to get medicines to alleviate some pain. When informed Moreland City Council 
 sends a cut and paste response that arterial roads are designated Clearways by the Vic Roads Corporation to facilitate safe traffic flow during peak times. Stopping in a Clearway during these times causes traffic congestion and can pose a risk to public safety. This Clearway was infront of full park spots which would not inhibit traffic flow because the parking officers "important role" in maintaining public and road safety at all times would of got out of his vehicle and got the alleged offender to move as soon as humanily possible, not send them a fine weeks later. Maybe the Moreland City Council needs to act quicker in protecting the public from illegally parked vehicles if that is their true intentions. For anyone who would like to dispute the Council's decision be warned that the Court lodgement fees may be added to the already overpriced council fine if the matter is found in the Council's favour so shut up and show me the money.

Friday, 17 December 2021


Aging gracefully means more than just aging and your appearances it can mean your state of mind while going through various stages of life. So as much as we don't want to admit that there will come a day where you should hand in your keys in and let someone else drive you to places it is very hard to give up on something you've been doing for longer than you can remember. Letting go of the reins can be hard and even harder for the stubborn minded because they believe letting go is just the beginning of the bigger picture which is accepting your getting old. There are numerous situations where old people refuse to take the advice from their family and friends and ignore the signs that they are no longer capable of making the right decisions for the safety of the people in the community. These dangerous situations could of easily been avoided all because some incapable people are too afraid to slow down and remove them selves from problem. Be smart and be safe or be stupid and put yourself and others at risk.

Monday, 13 December 2021


How do you unite a world with so many different point of views? You get people to focus on what they share in common. We as people may seem very different from each other but what brings us together and unites us is our passion for the arts. Painting, Architecture, Sculpture, Music, Poetry, Photography and Performing arts are passions that all communities have blended into their culture. A way of life that removes the fears of our differences and replaces it with the warmth of belonging to the human species. Our love for expression and connections to people remind us that we are in this world together so make it better even if it takes a lifetime because when we leave this world we leave it in the hands of the ones we love, our children.

Sunday, 5 December 2021


Community defined by a small group of people living together in the attempt to reach a harmonious lifestyle. Each member of the community benefiting from what each other brings to the group, this bond ties themselves to something larger than themselves and highlights that they are an integral part of the community. We live in a community to gain the advantages that being part of a bigger ecosystem will offer which is unified by common interests. You can not take the all the advantages of the communitys offerings and not follow the laws that are put in place to create order. If you disagree with the law become a hermit and follow your own rules by moving where their are like minded people.