Wednesday, 5 January 2022


At conception your biological anatomy is decided which makes you a man or woman. In some instances a child is born with both male and female sex organs this makes them a hermaphrodite. Men or women who feel that they were born in the wrong body might change their biological anatomy and transform into a transgender person. If a transgender person just needed to change their gender and identify as the opposite sex merely by choosing to be the chosen sex, they could of skipped the hormonal treatment and painful operation. Transgender people could of saved themselves from the strenuous operation and just changed their gender to the preferred one if they truly believed it was enough to transform into the desired sex. On the same instance what makes a man a man and a woman a woman, I don't think it's a choice. If sex and gender are completely different for everyone than I know my sex is a male but I'm confused how my gender takes pole position in identifying who i am if it is based on your social and cultural factors. How does my gender identify me and not my sex. When did the science change that the characteristics became the way we identify as. If I were to introduce my children I wouldnt say this is my two femine girls who are shy but at the end of this meeting they may transform to masculine boys because gender is just a construct. If gender is a construct then everything we know about biology and science should be scrapped and back to the drawing board.

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