Tuesday, 21 December 2021


Moreland City Council desires to change their name over links to slave labour is their first attempt to be seen as a council who has the public best interests at heart  but is it enough to change the public's already perception on this particular council. Changing your name to show that you can be respectful of the public state of mind are your intentions true or has your Customer Service Team been overwhelmed by complaints. Claiming that you are here to support your community during these tough times then when a member of the community gets an parking infringement fine at 4.14 pm which is 14 minutes from fine to park shows little to no compassion especially when the trip involved was going to the chemist to get medicines to alleviate some pain. When informed Moreland City Council 
 sends a cut and paste response that arterial roads are designated Clearways by the Vic Roads Corporation to facilitate safe traffic flow during peak times. Stopping in a Clearway during these times causes traffic congestion and can pose a risk to public safety. This Clearway was infront of full park spots which would not inhibit traffic flow because the parking officers "important role" in maintaining public and road safety at all times would of got out of his vehicle and got the alleged offender to move as soon as humanily possible, not send them a fine weeks later. Maybe the Moreland City Council needs to act quicker in protecting the public from illegally parked vehicles if that is their true intentions. For anyone who would like to dispute the Council's decision be warned that the Court lodgement fees may be added to the already overpriced council fine if the matter is found in the Council's favour so shut up and show me the money.

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