Thursday, 29 September 2022


One of the hardest things that alot of people face, is trying to find where they fit in the world. It is fashionable to be popular and sometimes chasing popularity can lead us ashtray from who we really are. Its not easy standing out for being different, so we believe that if we put on a facade, that we will fit in better. Liking something just to fit in will create an alter ego that you will learn to despise because it goes against your grain of thought and it is tiring to act your way through life. So be proud that your different and unique to the rest of the carbon copies of the world. Life is short and the quicker you find yourself the quicker you can reach your desired goals. If we all mirrored the ones we idolised we would neglect the person that we could of become all because of the person we are pretending to be. You are dishonouring yourself to disregard the person who could show others how to stand proud for what you believe in. If you worry about what society says you should be then you give the world the power to control your fate. So be yourself and let others idolise you humble ways by you being the sole controller of your own fate.


Life is more than just ideal moments put together on repeat, some of the time life can be exhausting leaving you feeling that you've had enough. When you choose to live life, you choose to accept life for everything that it entails good and bad. A full life is full of moments you want to remember and some you wish you could forget. Whether good things fall in your favour or your life seems like one bad day after another, you need to remember that hard times will pass as long as you stay stronger than the hard times ahead. It is the hard times that you get through that make you into the resilient person that can stand proud of your achievements. Your accomplishments are celebrated in the quiet moments of your life where you can appreciate lifes ups and not forget that it was the tough times that you managed to get through that failed to hold you down. We cannot choose what life we are dealt but we can choose how we will deal with the troubles that we face. So look at your bad days as a challenge that you will overcome face on and don't be afraid of the challenges ahead. 

Monday, 26 September 2022


Throughout our interactions with people we come across moments where we hold back from saying what ever we feel so we don't offend our peers, this sentiment is not always reciprocated. Where it takes true strength and control not to give what you are getting, its a testament of your character that stops you from taking the easy route that leads you to playing the same games as the culprit who never holds back from saying whatever is on the tip of their tongue. Conversations would be very different if both parties chose their words selectively rather than the opposite outcome where your emotions took charge and influenced the direction that lead to a negative outcome. It is so easy not to try to be nice because all it takes is putting in no effort with the ones you are communicating with, but putting a little effort into people the positive karma will come back because happy people would rather surround themselves with like minded happy people. So treat people as you want to be treated and you won't be surprised when you are chosen over the other people in your social circle who keep up the boundaries so nobody ever gets too close.


In life most people appreciate hearing the facts as they are while some people would rather hear a sugar coated version of the truth, and the remaining few people would prefer not to know anything about the current situation. If a person makes a claim that someone  hasn't come to terms with, the truth can hurt because it challenges the mindset of the person who isn't ready to accept the scenario for what it is and forces them to rethink their long believed truths. Nobody likes to feel that they are wrong because it can turn their world upside down. If you were wrong about this thing then what else could you be wrong about and that isn't the line of thought that they want floating in their head. Doubt in one's self can lead you to feeling that you are a gullible person which might also make you feel that you arent a good person. We as people like to feel confident that our choices are based on solid beliefs that are factual and that our thoughts are aligned with what is right. If you don't want to be caught off guard make sure you don't shut your mind to all the facts even if they are unpleasant and make you look like that you made a selfish stance. Accept you for you because it's okay to have a bad day of decisions it's just not okay to deny any of them.

Sunday, 25 September 2022


Stereotypes can influence what we think about other people, by highlighting the similarities in their appearances and their shared distinguishing traits. The obvious similarities allows us to group people and place them in boxes which only works on  the above averages and does not allow for those of the minorities that dont fit in the stereotype boxes. Stereotypes direct our attention toward the similarities because it is in the power of grouping that allows us to formulate patterns and understand how things are and how they work. This is not a perfect analysis because people who don't fit the mould will always slip through the cracks and be unaccounted for. The diversity of people will never be fully understood and appreciated under such a basic analysis. But this analysis was never designed to fit everyone in a perfect box it was purely designed to simplify people based on their similarities. Where stereotypes may be right in alot of ways it will never be 100 percent because people are alot more complicated than the box's that they are placed in. The only real way to appreciate someone in their entirety is to talk to them and get to know who they are and what they stand for.

Saturday, 24 September 2022


In a perfect world everyone would have a say in how the world operates, but Is everyone qualified in making the right decisions for the better of the many who live in the community?. There are some people who tend to make bad decisions on a regular basis should those people be empowered to influence the direction that our society is heading?. We all have our own personal interests which is where our focus lies, this may not contribute in the communities goals but it makes us happy. Living in a community means you abide by the rules of the community and as long as you dont impede on the happiness of others, then do whatever makes you happy. A communitys main goal is to flourish by its people living in joy, with purpose, connecting with one another and to have autonomy of self-government that allows one to make decisions based on their values, or desires as long as they do not affect happiness of others. If the community focused on the few and went against the grain of the many it will go against the general consensus of opinion leaving the community in disarray. It is impossible to satisfy everyone in the community because where compromise comands fairness if its at the cost of what is logical for the general public then it becomes an illogical decision based purely on why shouldn't that be the case rather than that makes more sense. Supporting the why shouldn't that be the case becomes support for the undeserving who gets a chance to have their way even though they don't have a leg to stand on with an outcome that goes against the general consensus of opinion. So it's better in the long run to dishearten a few then set to motion an imbalance in a community that needs to rely on a solid foundation to stay strong and not fall apart. 

Thursday, 8 September 2022


Part of how we see ourselves is based on how others see us. If your perception of yourself varies alot from how people perceive you then you are deluded. If you don't spend any of your free time on self analysis then you will find it extremely difficult when anyone asks questions on your intentions. Avoiding self analysis will remove the reassurances that you find when you look deep into your core beliefs and figure out who you really are and what you truely stand for. Alot of people avoid self analysis because it might confirm that they aren't what they thought they were like and would rather think that are a  better person than their actions show. Our beliefs need to be based on a solid foundation of thought that we truly believe in and stand by in the show of our actions. If your words don't mimic your actions you will never be taken seriously. So if you expect to be taken seriously and treated with respect then be the person you think you are by doing what your saying your going to do. 

Tuesday, 6 September 2022


Arguing with someone you disagree with never ends with an agreement. The chance of understanding one's opinion over your own will not take if you trying to force your views down their throat without listening to their reason of thought. Whether your right and they are wrong the result will not differ in your favour if their point of view is cemented in, so another approach would be sensible. Where our lives entertwine with those we disagree with arguing will only push them further from resolve. Arguing with insane views does not make you any sainer because we all have our own perspectives that are the foundations of our thoughts. So be smart and remember discussions don't need to be disrespectful and the moment they are heading that way then your point is already lost. Those who want to understand another persons opinion will try to understand where their opinion comes from those who aren't willing to comprehend the reasoning behind someones views will keep on hitting a wall. So don't hit the wall go around and hopefully come around peacefully to see what's on the other side of the wall.

Sunday, 4 September 2022


We all like to feel that we are solely responsible for how we choose to spend our day and that no outside influences have the power to detract from what we choose to do. We may choose what our preferences are, but time constraints forces us to priorities in a logical order of what we are able to manage in the limited and precious time we have. The necessity of structured routines are critical in reaching our goals, because without a routine we find ourselves wasting time by questioning whats next. Our days are controlled by routines from the moment the alarm wakes us up, but where would we be without the sound of the morning alarm. Once our day begins so does our journey to tick the check list of goals that we have listed that will help give us a sense of achievement. This sense of achievement is connected to our happiness and it is what propels us to move forward even when your on a less desirable task. We strive to live memorable lives and this can't be done sleeping your dreams away, so wake up with that annoying alarm and tick your way to happiness. 

Friday, 26 August 2022


People crave to be like their idols as though their idols have accomplished everything that they themselves aspire to be like. They believe that if they mirror their idols choices that they too could share in the lifestyle glory that their idol experiences on a day to day basis. Alot of people are guilty of placing their idols on a pedestal and idolising every little thing about them even though what they believe is a true representation of their beloved idol is purely based on what is seen when the lime light is shining on their idol. It's easy to assume that those we aspire to be like are living an easier lifestyle with minimal struggles but when you are in the lime light and are constantly judged by your fans the pressure to perform every time you walk out of your home would feel exhausting when you just want a little me time. We crave the good things we see from those we aspire to be like and assume that the bad things won't come with the lifestyle that we desire but the reality is life itself has great moments as well as some disappointing ones and having all the wealth you desire can not take away the disappointing moments that you can not control. So you need to be your own idol by idolising your own achievements because if you can have less then the famous person you envy and can be happier with what you've got then you've achieved more with less resources and that is an achievement you should be proud of when you stand on your own pedestal. When you do feel that you've hit a slump remember Bobby Mcferrin wise words "Don't worry be happy" and do it.