Monday, 26 September 2022


Throughout our interactions with people we come across moments where we hold back from saying what ever we feel so we don't offend our peers, this sentiment is not always reciprocated. Where it takes true strength and control not to give what you are getting, its a testament of your character that stops you from taking the easy route that leads you to playing the same games as the culprit who never holds back from saying whatever is on the tip of their tongue. Conversations would be very different if both parties chose their words selectively rather than the opposite outcome where your emotions took charge and influenced the direction that lead to a negative outcome. It is so easy not to try to be nice because all it takes is putting in no effort with the ones you are communicating with, but putting a little effort into people the positive karma will come back because happy people would rather surround themselves with like minded happy people. So treat people as you want to be treated and you won't be surprised when you are chosen over the other people in your social circle who keep up the boundaries so nobody ever gets too close.

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