Friday, 26 August 2022


People crave to be like their idols as though their idols have accomplished everything that they themselves aspire to be like. They believe that if they mirror their idols choices that they too could share in the lifestyle glory that their idol experiences on a day to day basis. Alot of people are guilty of placing their idols on a pedestal and idolising every little thing about them even though what they believe is a true representation of their beloved idol is purely based on what is seen when the lime light is shining on their idol. It's easy to assume that those we aspire to be like are living an easier lifestyle with minimal struggles but when you are in the lime light and are constantly judged by your fans the pressure to perform every time you walk out of your home would feel exhausting when you just want a little me time. We crave the good things we see from those we aspire to be like and assume that the bad things won't come with the lifestyle that we desire but the reality is life itself has great moments as well as some disappointing ones and having all the wealth you desire can not take away the disappointing moments that you can not control. So you need to be your own idol by idolising your own achievements because if you can have less then the famous person you envy and can be happier with what you've got then you've achieved more with less resources and that is an achievement you should be proud of when you stand on your own pedestal. When you do feel that you've hit a slump remember Bobby Mcferrin wise words "Don't worry be happy" and do it.

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