Thursday, 18 August 2022


What we consider to be entertainment varies from individual to individual and what makes one person happy may displease another person, this is guided by our own perspective of interests. It is our differences that separates us and guides us to find others that we share common interests with that gives us affirmation that we belong. If you are entertained by your interests, Is it safe to say that you interests are responsible for making you happy?. Or is it just a momentary distraction to your confuse your mind in believing that you are happy even though its only a short term happiness. Entertainment keeps you in a happy state of mind, but is the happiness that entertainment provides enough to claim the label that you are a happy person. Happiness can be measured in so many different ways but the basic foundation of happiness is about being entertained because you can not be happy while you are bored. Boredom craves entertainment and entertainment creates satisfaction which will ultimately lead to you reaching happiness. If you are happy doing nothing then you happiness threshold is very easily satisfied. Those with high demanding happiness threshold never are sated. So be happy with the reachable and don't let the unattainable determine whether your happy or not. 

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