Wednesday, 13 July 2022


In the past mental health was a topic that people were afraid to talk about, until we were able to move forward in our thinking by evolving into a more accepting society that recognises mental health problems as a normal part of life. Once we accepted mental health was a normal topic that should be discussed openly people finally had an outlet to work on their mental issues and society was moving forward again in being more accepting of peoples challenging circumstances. With the help of professionals and loved ones people now had a better chance of figuring out what they needed to do to get themselves back on track and in control of their own life again. Now times have changed and what would normally be considered a mental issue is now just a different point of view. We have crossed the line where insane and sane are the same which shows when you see that anything now goes whether or not it might not make sense, it makes sense to those who believe in the nonsense. It looks like psychiatrist are no longer needed in this new world of ours because all it takes is you to keep your eyes open and it wont be long before you see what was an act to be concerned with is now just another day in la la land. Now we are told that if thinking a certain way makes them happy then we should not interfere with their happiness and let them believe in the fantasy they've created because it is their life and they can choose how they want to live it. This logic may seem like it makes a good point because if their not hurting anyone then let them be, this point would be true if we were alone in the world and we didn't interact with one another but we are part of a functioning society that relys on a stable reality and we need to beable to work with one another otherwise someones fantasy will affect a functional societies reality. Those of us who don't want to support the community are not forced to live in the community so do as you want with yourself but dont expect the rest of society to follow your lead to lunacy land. 

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