Tuesday, 5 July 2022


Practice what you preach rings true when you see that some people don't accept that the truth that they a pedalling is a hypocrisy. The more they winge in life the less people take them seriously, so be factual not emotional when stating your case. When confrontations arise they all like to think that they are the victims of unpleasant circumstances rather than their life choices have brought them their own suffering and their medicine is karma. Lifes repetitive altercations we experience conditions us to choose the path of avoidance where confrontation is at a bare minimum. We believe the better path for us is stepping aside to let others take away whatever they please. Our desire not to offend others leads our thoughts into prioritising their needs over our own all to keep the peace. The more we do this and ignore how this affects our own state of mind the more we get further away from our true self. The moment in life when you choose to priorities your own happiness is much more important than keeping the peace is an the moment you will feel free to think whatever your heart desires. Taking a stand for what you believe in is an important step for you to balance your life and realise what's good for the goose should also be good for the gander, so why shouldn't you stand up if others have never hesitated to.

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