Friday, 24 February 2023


People project themselves confidently to show others that they know who they are and that they know what they stand for, but are they willing to stand by their claims. The confidence that they show others is designed to take away any doubts that non-believers might have against any of their claims. They believe if they say anything untrue it will be camouflaged by the confidence in their lies so no one will see any reason to doubt the person that they're claiming to be. Whether or not their charismatic behaviour is enough to distract the audience from whats really happening it is only short-lived because their lies can only carry them so far. If you claim to be this person that you are clearly not you actions will unhinge the truth of your claims so when your actions are contradictory to your claims you begin to look the fool that you think that your not. So if you think that you are the real deal then there is no need to have to talk yourself up because people will see it. But if you have to blow your own horn maybe there is a part of you that believes that if you think it with all your might then maybe others will see that you are everything you claim to be.

Thursday, 23 February 2023


The advice we give directs people to a suggested pathway but doing so what are our true motives when we give the advice that steers the willing to partake?, is the advice pure of heart with only positive intentions? Or is the advice set in malice?. If the advice you've given steers people to a troublesome situation was your advice bad or was it how your advice was handled thereafter that caused the issues that came to play?. It all depends on the intent of the advice given, is the advice tainted by personal preferences or was the person's interests taken in hand?. Like the relevance of the saying "You can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink" rings true when you are trying to show people that there are plentiful opportunities that is there for the taking but wondering why they choose not to take advantage of what seems to be an obvious choice to make. Is it better to choose the untravelled path that may heighten their success or should we really be focused on what is it that the recipient truly wants?. Is your personal happiness guided by your wants the right way to enhance your happiness or is what looks like the right choice the better choice because it is a different path from the one your use to?. We are at our most happiest when our desires are met even at its most simplest form. Easier isn't always better when you are suitable for a type of skill set that works well within the parameters of threshold that works to support your self happiness. It is better to be you than a version that is perfect on the outside but miserable on inside, so be true and be you.

Monday, 20 February 2023


We all share the same reality that we are all are born, and we will eventually pass away and because we share this fate as human beings, we feel that we are connected to each other in the grand scheme of things. As human beings we can feel compelled to show each other respect because of our common ground but the respect that has been given to us is only based on a limited trial bases that is dependent on our choice of action when interacting with others. Respect will only last if we ourselves show respect to others because you cannot claim that it is your god given human right to be treated with respect if you're not prepared to practice what you preach. Treating others in a disrespectful manner will eventually lead them to realising that enough is enough and the respect that they had for you will dissipate. The respect that they have always shown you lead you on the right path to be treated with dignity. Your choice to show rudeness to others opens the door to people being rude to you, so be the person that people have no choice but to respect otherwise they will take whatever they like from you because the person who shows no stance of what is and what isn't acceptable will be walked all over with a smug look that intensifies when they feel like they can do no wrong.


We may be responsible for only what we say in life but when friends or family make claims that we don't particularly agree with we feel compelled to support them because it is the honourable thing to do. We stand up for them even at the detriment of our own viewpoint because we don't want them to feel that we don't have their back but is it better to support their stupidity? or educate them in the understanding that we are all entitled to our own opinion? their choice of viewpoint doesn't mean everybody needs to follow their views just those who choose to. You can still be friends or at least friendly to those who don't agree with you just as long as the mutual understanding is that your belief is yours and anyone who chooses to follow your viewpoint can and my views are mine and anyone can agree to follow me if they choose. The only rule should be that we must be civil even though it can feel unfair if you don't have the following to get your way because the truth of the matter is that the rules are set for the majority because making most people happy is better than making the few people happy. If we focused on the few then in life most people would be unhappy, so a little compromise is fine as long as the majority of people are still happy. So, to determine what is the rational call would mean to listen to the community because the popular opinion displayed is the right call for the people. Those who disagree need to understand that should we choose the needs of the minority over the majority then we would be living in a community that will fall apart with the minority trying to hold things together. Choosing the majority is less of a sacrifice to the community that is why we should not support stupidity but educate it. An educated mind focusses on the masses that can contribute to society not the few that only want to disrupt it.

Sunday, 19 February 2023


Every day of our life we share the one repetitive dilemma, what should we do with our limited free time? but as much as we share the same dilemma our choices vary from individual to individual all because the satisfaction that we crave comes in many different types of forms. Some of us are happy to choose less to do during our day of free time while others are only happy if they fill up their day with as many things as they can fit in so that they can reassure themselves that they didn't waste any time procrastinating. As unique as we all are, we are also simple creatures in that we crave to feel something just to remind us that we are here and that our opinions matter, this satisfaction of reached craving is sometimes reached at the detriment of our well-being all because our line of integrity shifts when times are tough. At our lowest times our self-esteem would do anything to receive attention even if its negative attention. All we can do to counteract the craving to feel anything is to satisfy the craving with healthy positive reinforcement. Most of us crave the company of others even the homebodies of the world crave company and adventure sometimes to break the monotonous routine of work and home life. So, remember we spend a lifetime working ourselves out that formula of happiness doesn't always mix well with others to stick with your happiness and leave others discover their own.

Monday, 13 February 2023


We all hear the claims that men are better at this and women are better at that, both men and women use this claim because they know their gender is successful at something so they believe that they too can use this statement to highlight that they themselves are successful. But just because men are the stronger gender in general im sure there are many stronger women that are much stronger than myself and to think otherwise is narrow minded. The same with women just because women may be better at multi tasking it doesn't mean all women fit the same mould, we all have our own strengths and weaknesses thats not gender based thats individual based. If you want to be the exception you need to do what it takes to stand out, you have to strengthen your weaknesses by working at it you cant just claim your stronger and better at multi tasking just because you are a part of that gender. So maybe the lesson is we should stop piggy backing on the success of others and focus on how we want to represent ourselves. On the average men and women are equally intelligent but some men and women use their intelligence while others play the victim card and never try to better themselves. So stop with the negative words and start with the positive movements by reaching for that better you that people would crave to be around. 

Wednesday, 8 February 2023


What makes sense to you doesn't mean someone else will see the sense in your stated facts. Logical thinking is dependent on facts not emotions because focusing on how your feeling doesn't change the end result, What are the facts?. If you would prefer to ignore facts and focus on your emotions then that is up to you but dont then question how you got yourself stuck in a bad situation when you let your heart control what your head should of. Emotions may steer us to what we believe is a happy place but at the end of the day we need to be able live with our choices and be able to justify our actions. If you choose raw emotions over logical thought then your raw emotions may put you in a place where you wont be prepared for and not know the right course of action to to get you back on track because thinking hard about the right action to take is always going to lead you to a better result rather than blindly going where your heart leads you. Logical thinking will get you out of the trenches that emotion has left you in, so listen to you head more because eventually your heart will catch up and be on the same page once you realise that your head and heart want the same thing, they both want what is best for you in the end.

Friday, 3 February 2023


In life we have expectations for ourselves and expectations that we put onto the people that we socialise with in order to protect us from being taken advantage of. Putting expectations onto your social circle may be considered unfair but we do it so people dont take more than we are willing to give. We may claim that we don't expect anything from our friends but that is far from the truth because we expect more from them than we do a stranger. We all have responsibilities and expect others to take responsibility for their choices because claiming ignorance is never a good enough reason to justify their inaction to react. Nothing can be resolved unless you accept part of the blame because that is what mature people do. Acknowledging that you've made mistakes too is the first step to recovery and leads you to the next step of determining the best pathway to get you in a better frame of mind. Looking soley on what others have done is your attempt to detract from the bad choices that you've made. We reflect back on the choices that we"ve made to take ownice on the part we played in a bad situation so that we won't repeat the mistakes. So take responsibility quick and try be be quicker with making the right choices rather than stuck in handballing your bad choices onto someone else's lap.

Saturday, 28 January 2023


The reasons why some people strive to reach the top of their chosen career varies from individual to individual. Whether their motivations are true in that their decisions don't revolve around doing something just so that they can receive a reward or that the alternative is fitting where their main goal is to strive to increase their stature and their bank account which will only increase their happiness to a level of what they can afford to buy. Making decisions in the name of passion means that you don't have to force yourself to compromise your integrity but if you find that your decisions have forced you to adjust your moral line to suit your curent goal just to make more money even at the expense of others then you are much more likely to find yourself alone wondering why people have distanced themselves from you. Alot of money might help promote their stature and brings opportunities to them but at what cost?. Do what you love with thoughtfulness and dont lose sight of how you want to be looked upon rather than faking your interests and goals just because you think the pathway to more money would get you closer to what you need. Remember happiness is in your essence of fulfilment and achievement of your true goals will bring you closer than you pretending everything else is less important than making the big bucks.

Tuesday, 24 January 2023


Good ideas aren't valued until you have proven their validity by making them into a successful idea. People aren't interested in theory or concepts because they themselves cant visualise the idea to be a success. It is up to those with the ideas alone to make their concept work with only little resources at their disposal. What could be achieved if investors believed in someones idea will never be discovered because the ones that may have the resources don't want to part with it on what could be a risky business adventure. So many good ideas get left behind in the dark never to see the light of day because nobody wants to give the money that could get the idea to the masses. If you manage to get your business idea to perform then some big business will choose to invest money into it once the one who conjured up the concept does the hard work and proves that the momentum will continue if more money was invested. So believing that you have a good idea is easy getting someone to believe in your idea is the hard thing. Ideas will come and go it is up to you to stick by your idea even if no one else believes in it.