Tuesday, 24 January 2023


Good ideas aren't valued until you have proven their validity by making them into a successful idea. People aren't interested in theory or concepts because they themselves cant visualise the idea to be a success. It is up to those with the ideas alone to make their concept work with only little resources at their disposal. What could be achieved if investors believed in someones idea will never be discovered because the ones that may have the resources don't want to part with it on what could be a risky business adventure. So many good ideas get left behind in the dark never to see the light of day because nobody wants to give the money that could get the idea to the masses. If you manage to get your business idea to perform then some big business will choose to invest money into it once the one who conjured up the concept does the hard work and proves that the momentum will continue if more money was invested. So believing that you have a good idea is easy getting someone to believe in your idea is the hard thing. Ideas will come and go it is up to you to stick by your idea even if no one else believes in it.

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