Friday, 29 April 2022


Throughout life men and women have searched for truth in the world assuming that once the truth is attained that it will lead them to a common ground of sensibility. The assumption is that truth is a universal language that corresponds with the same outcome irrespective or point of view, but to some people truth is a matter of perspective and should not be measured purely on the basis of the facts but should take in consideration how people feel about the circumstances at hand. When faced with a problematic issue some people accept that things are what they are and move on while others don't let logic influence their outcome of thought, they deny the truth even when they are staring it in the face and would rather not change their already made up mind. Those people believe that if they will it enough and don't focus on the said truth then the truth can be anything they want it to be. If believing in something strong enough made it true then all of us would be living in a fantasy world of our own design where our personal truths would not be affected by each others reality. This is not true because our choices have repercussions that cause effects on those around us and denying our influences  doesn't mean our perception of the truth is right, it just means we are living in denial.

Thursday, 28 April 2022


Living in a multicultural country the chances of you interacting with people of a different culture to your own is very high. Even though we are surrounded by  multiculturalism our understandings of  other peoples culture is very limited  because where we butt heads with our beliefs is enough for some people to put up a wall that halters any chance of building a respectful relationship. When people choose to leave their country of origin and try to blend in to their new found community its easy to forget that part of their country of origin will always find its way to follow them to their new home. Cultural baggage can influence thinking, speech and behaviour this is why culture gets tied to stereotypes, which can lead to groups of people that unfairly attach generalisations that come with  stigma no matter if many people don't fit those generalisations. Painting everyone with the same generalisation brush will only point out the ignorance of the accuser. So if you don't want to be ignorant then be aware of the differences between people and you'll be a little closer to being someone that should be respected. 

Monday, 25 April 2022


We tip toe around bullies trying not to tip them over the edge as we side step the egg shells, but what about the victim "How does the avoidance affect the victim?. The victim might feel that letting the bullys have their way is the safer path and doing anything that might rile the bully up is asking for trouble so shutting up is the better alternative but this is a short term fix and eventually what keeps the victim quiet dissipates and all that is left is the raw truth. Truth is stronger than fear of consequences and no matter of outcome the truth keeps your moral compass aligned for the better of the world. Standing up for what you believe in will help you reach the courage that comes with the confidence of following your rituoues path. Those who base their beliefs on untruths get hit harder when they are alone and left with an unsettled mindset. Once the fault is realised and regret hits home all that is left is taking responsibilities for their actions. This is not always easy to do depending on how long they've disrespected someone, because by this time their target has lost any hope in your ability to be rehabilitate from a place of disfavour.  In the end the bully craves sympathy for the history between him and his target victim who are meant to empathise instantaneously with the bullys current state. This is easier said than done because all the victims have left is how they feel and feelings are based on solid experiences when reflecting on the past is full many repetitive disappointing circumstances that took their toll on having a trusting relationship. Trust is built on time with positive reinforcement and can not be fast tracked.  So remember actions speak louder than words so skip the speech and act on how you feel because that is what is genuine. 

Sunday, 24 April 2022


We all grow up in discovery mode where we are in constant search for happiness. Every experience we have is new and teaches us a little more about ourselves.  No matter if its a good or bad experience it is still responsible for shaping us to be the person that we are today. Throughout life we discover interests that keeps us motivated and keeps us moving forward to strive for more, it is those things that we enjoy doing most that differentiate us from others. Sometimes our busy lifestyle modifys our priorities and leaves our basic interests on the bench. We try and justify our decision to deny our interests by choosing what we believe is more important and then using the over used excuse " I just don't have the time!" , but we forget that it is the little things in your life that keeps us sane. You may find the difficulties in your life become easier to handle when you allow yourself some breathing time where you could focus on yourself. If you brush aside the importance of the little things that put a smile on your face you'll probably find that with all the seriousness of the important things that take priority in your life that you will eventually find it harder to slow down and relax when you do have an oportunity to. So get back to your core and spend some time doing those things you grew up doing and have now made yourself feel like there is no place for it in your adult life.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022


While some people prefer to talk about their cravings as a hyperthetical, others make it their mission to do as much as they can do to reach their goals. Craving a certain type of lifestyle but putting little effort into trying to achieve that desired lifestyle highlights that some people crave the idea of the pursuit more than they do the actual journey. These people get rid of any potential opportunities by placing challenging hurdles strategically where they will have the desired affect of demotivating themselves  by confronting  a molehill and then their fear transforms it into a mountain of disappointment. The power of fear is enough to discourage them from pursuing their dreams because failure would be emminent in their eyes. So they may as well not risk losing what little they have to crave for and accept that they should be content with the bait that is waiving infront of their face of a potential hyperthetical pipe dream without the desire to pursue it. If you ask yourself, Why risk falling from the safety net for the chance of disappointment that may follow when the chance of success is not likely? You better answer swiftly "It's better to fail at something you crave than have nothing to crave for."

Sunday, 17 April 2022


We spend a lot of time trying reconnect to our past memories through nostalgia which the affects brings back those cherished memories that we hold dear to our heart. Reflecting on the memories from our past hoping for answers on how we've become the person we are today and remembering how innocent we used to be before life's ups and downs hardened our persona. Believing that the answers on who we are lies somewhere in our past, hoping that our past could give us an indication of what is yet to come if our lifestyle were to follow a set path. Sometimes we find resolute in our past memories because they remind us of our innocents as children, but as adults our memories are tainted by our current point of view. Looking at our past with an evolved mindset rather than the mindset of a child will make you feel that you should of made different choices that could of lead you to have more of things that you crave as an adult. Life is very different for kids everything is new and can be a little daunting, whereas adults we feel prepared because of our experiences which gives us the confidence that we could tackle any problem thrown at us. We would not be the adults that we are today if we weren't the kids that we were growing up. So stand and be proud of who you are and don't be hard on who you've become because it's the person you are today that has survived your ups and downs in life, that helps you in being persistent to strive further and never give up on yourself. 

Saturday, 16 April 2022


Most people don't want to admit that they have some time or another judged a book by its cover when a new person has entered their social circle. We are guilty of making presumptions on the basis of probability, this tactic relys on patterns of behaviour which may ring true in most cases but is unfair to those who don't fit the mould and are put behind the 8 ball with no fault of their own actions. Self preservation is inbuilt in our basic instinct to protect us from harm or death. This survival instinct keeps us wary of the strangers that we haven't spent the time building a trusting relationship with all because the unknown makes us feel uncomfortable. Letting your guard down can leave you open for disappointment but it also waivers your chance to discover something new that could change your mind for the better. So don't let your wariness turn you off the people that can influence your mind to grow and become a better person. 

Tuesday, 12 April 2022


Some people feel that they have to have a huge bucket list to feel that they are ambitious, while others are content with a simpler lifestyle and a smaller bucket list. Either way, we shouldn't compare one person's list to another person bucket list to measure whos is better. Peoples motivations vary and what might not make sense to one person is utterly logical to another person, your life your goals. It's not easy to understand why people do what they do but its also not anyone's job to navigate through the mind of someone else's interests. Setting goals and achieving them makes you feel that you are on track to completing your bucket list and this inturn will help you reach a happiness that will satisfy your desires. Whereas some feel the euphoria lasts long enough to keep them happy others are continuing craving the next best hit of self satisfaction through a list that seems to have no end. The more you crave the less you feel you have achieved, this is how I interpret the lyrics "I still haven't found what I'm looking for" in U2s hit song. Even though that song is about the search for spiritual fulfillment and the conflict between knowing that God exists and the desire for earthly things, I interpret it as a search for happiness through the expectations that we never meet. So use your time effectively because trying to figure out what you really want is the key to finding what you think you are looking for which may not be on a bucket list so achieve this before your time is up.

Sunday, 10 April 2022


We all differ in the amount of friends we have in our social circles but our friendship groups share alot of unique similarities. Our friendship groups consist of four categories: acquaintance, friend, close friend and best friend. As time passes your shared life experiences helps you strengthen your relationship bond with your friends because mutual respect is reciprocated. No matter the type of friend you have if their is an imbalance of respect resentment will build up and jealousy will take over leaving the non loyal friend to modify his or her behaviour by starting to give bad advice rather than the heart felt good advice you got used to. This will lead your disloyal friend down the pathway of resenting you and spending energy steering you on the wrong crooked path. So know who your true friends are and what their true motives are so that you won't wonder why they lead you down the garden path before you cant fix your bad choices.

Friday, 8 April 2022


Consequences need to be concise and consistent if they were ever to be affective. If people aren't afraid of the consequences of their actions they will repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Control and order go hand in hand and rely strongly on the consequences to maintain conditioning. People do the right thing because of the consequences they may be faced with,  they will either feel good when they be good or they may feel bad when the fail to be good. We all crave stimuli to feel alive which can either be positive or negative its a matter of perspective. Consequences sit in the middle between good and bad it leads you to the outcome that encourages you to reflect on your actions.  It is the consequences of our actions that remind us that what we did is the cause of where we are now, so taking responsibility of your choices will help you modify your behaviour to achieve a different result. We all like to believe that we are capable of being selfless but there is no such thing as a selfless act because anything you put out creates a feeling that comes back to you that influences your actions in either a positive or a negative way. Our basic human needs crave Certainty, variety, connection, growth, contribution and significance so what you might see as a selfless act with no intentions your subconscious has its own agenda for which you have not comprehended.