Sunday 24 April 2022


We all grow up in discovery mode where we are in constant search for happiness. Every experience we have is new and teaches us a little more about ourselves.  No matter if its a good or bad experience it is still responsible for shaping us to be the person that we are today. Throughout life we discover interests that keeps us motivated and keeps us moving forward to strive for more, it is those things that we enjoy doing most that differentiate us from others. Sometimes our busy lifestyle modifys our priorities and leaves our basic interests on the bench. We try and justify our decision to deny our interests by choosing what we believe is more important and then using the over used excuse " I just don't have the time!" , but we forget that it is the little things in your life that keeps us sane. You may find the difficulties in your life become easier to handle when you allow yourself some breathing time where you could focus on yourself. If you brush aside the importance of the little things that put a smile on your face you'll probably find that with all the seriousness of the important things that take priority in your life that you will eventually find it harder to slow down and relax when you do have an oportunity to. So get back to your core and spend some time doing those things you grew up doing and have now made yourself feel like there is no place for it in your adult life.

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