Friday 1 April 2022


Peoples expectations vary from one another, whether its a standard expectation with minimal output or high expectations that comes with a lot of responsibility some people want more out of certain people and settle for less from others. This may work on the short term basis but those who are expected to do more eventually will fill like they are being taken advantage of and will break ties looking for a little appreciation from another source. This takes away an integral part of the relationship that relied solely on one person to take the reins of leadership and left others hitching an easy ride with little contribution. There is no gain in focusing on the short term benefits if you consider the long term affects being detriment to the relationship. Just because something hasn't happened yet it doesn't mean it's not a problem, it is your responsibility to deal with the possible problems before they take affect so you are able to asess and choose the better outcome. Everyone has a different threshold that once crossed their is no remedy. So treat everyone the same as if they were in the same boat otherwise the ones that are responsible for more will be searching for a raft off the boat looking for something that meets their expectations.

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