Thursday, 27 January 2022


Our actions creates a impact to the world that we are a part of, our moral fibre dictates on how we decide to act and react. If there was no consequences to our actions the world we live in would be such a different place. What would we strive for if there were no reward at the end of the tunnel? A selfless deed where their was no gain is hard to find when there are always consequences to our actions. We are creatures of habit through patterns we learn how to maintain healthy habits and increase our productivity. Without consequences our actions would be as random from day to day with no lessons to be learnt. Society's intelligence relys on the lessons of our consequences to gain knowledge and carry it through to generation to generation which will ensure growth for our society. We need consequences as much as we need order to help us reach a utopian society that strives to be better at every chance it gets.

Tuesday, 25 January 2022


Is chivalry dead ? and if it is what killed it ? These are the questions that tell a story of repetitive negative reinforcement. I believe it's negative mixed messages that have berated and conditioned those who have attempted to be chivalrous to stop and rethink before they offend the unintended so called victim. In the past what seemed like common courtesy was simply opening the door for someone, but now it shows some people that they are incapable of opening the door for themselves when really they are incapable of accepting assistance which makes themselves feel weak. Is it a weakness to not accept assistance or a show of strength? Does it matter who the person is holding the door open? Or are we just ready to show people we are strong and very capable so we don't need anything from anyone.


Within society there is such a diversity of peoples personalities with their own personalised needs, that there will never be a right way to keep every person satisfied. Pleasing one person or group will open discussion on why him or they and not me or us. Thinking you can meet everyone's needs with a special magical ingredient is wishful thinking. So where does that leave our society? It seems we are forced in the corner and forced to choose, fix the majority's of people's problems as humanily as possible or focus on the minority issues that the few people complain about either way trouble will still find its way. So trying to figure out what's fair is really a matter of perspective whether its more or less. Whether we accept it or not we live in a democracy and the only voices that will be heard are those of a bigger following. So if you feel that you are not being heard it's probably because you are alone in your thoughts. Trying to make others follow your lead can only be done with convincing others of your rational thought, aggression has no part in persuasion so leave it out of your debates. Everyone deserves to be heard but not everyone will be listening if you try to force your opinions.

Friday, 21 January 2022


Time to smile, the camera is on you seems to hide the fact that you don't really feel like smiling. Put on a brave face despite your pain or dispointment you may be feeling helps the photo but doesn't do anything for the mind long-term, smiling is only a temporary fix. Some people believe that if they will it, they can convince their mind all is well, but their is only so much that will fit underneath a rug. It doesn't matter how much possessions you own if you are in a bad state of mind you will find it hard to feel complete. If your feeling unsatisfied but you have so much to be grateful for it could possibly be because your achievements haven't been met which could be the reason you feeling empty inside. This is a problem of your state of mind, constant distraction will stall your mind but not give you any relief. Happy people dont stay angry people. Going through life avoiding the real questions by gaslighting the real issues is a tactic for your own downfall because it will be the starting point that you use to retrace what went wrong. Once the globe lights up on the top of your head and epiphany hits you, you'll wish you could turn back time and change your ways. So do what you can, while you can be happy when your happy and be sad when your sad because you have to go through the pain to beable to solve the problem and stop gaslighting the issues by dealing with them which will get you closer to being able to smile again for real.


Growing up we find ourselves admiring and sometimes idolising people hoping that we to could be like the ones we respect. Whether it's your parents or someone famous we build an image in our head which is set as a long term goal of the person we want to become. Our long-term goal helps guide us through decisions that can get us closer to being like our personal heroes. In our our thoughts we may feel we have achieved our set goal, but sometimes how we perceive ourselves can vary on how others perceive us. The bigger the differences, the more deluded we are. So stay grounded with your thoughts and just be the best person you can be is the key to happiness otherwise your unrealistic goals will hold you back.

Tuesday, 18 January 2022


A UN official claims 2% of Elon Musk's wealth could solve world hunger. Elon Musk put his own challenge out there by asking that he would sell his Tesla stock to fund a plan if it was explained exactly how world hunger would be solved. Most current poverty programs fail because they focus on trying to eradicate poverty by pushing resources to fill the gap. The answer to poverty isn't resources its innovation. How can we create prosperity through innovation? Practical solutions to real problems that enable communities to flourish, communities need to be self sustainable. Without sustainability they will find themselves waiting for the next handout. Resources will run out the moment the funds stop so without a community focus on sustainability the problems will go in circles and never be resolved. Innovation keeps the community infrastructure expanding in a direction where the community will thrive and keep moving forward with the times.

Sunday, 16 January 2022


Saying something positive about someone when it's just not true because you would rather avoid offending them might not always be the best tactic in helping them out. Compassion can sometimes hold people back if there is no truth in your words because our misguided influences deny people's true emotions to react on their own accord and learn from the tough emotions that may be tearing them apart. It's our personal feelings that gives us information about our experiences and teaches us more about ourselves than any false compliment could. Experiencing sadness teaches you that there is purpose to all your emotions, without tough times in your life experiences you would struggle to keep your sanity when the ground feels like its falling out from underneath you. Traversing through the tough times helps build you up for anything that goes against your grain of thought and helps maintain sanity to a mind that has now been strengthened from the tough times experienced. 

Friday, 14 January 2022


Most people don't want to burst someone else's bubble intentionally if it could be avoided. Through common decency and compassion people on average will choose to mind their own business and stay in their own bubble, but when certain people choose to make their business everybody else's business everything changes. When did someone's sexual orientation and gender identity become topics of interest? How come we have veered from a society that kept personal information to ourselves to a society that demands you look at us and acknowledge that we are a unique individual. When did we become a society who needs the acceptance of others to function properly. The need of acceptance will make us invisible to anyone to busy to pay attention to our self justification process?. When I'm introduced to a person I don't need to be informed of that persons sexual preference or a preference of identity. We are all part of the human race and that is good enough for me. People more than likely have already enough personal things to tie up their mind, rather than trying commit to memory 150 and growing genders just to avoid offending people who are creating unique labels for themselves. In most cultural beliefs their is always a conflict of interest but we need to be bigger than our differences. The lessons our parents taught us when we were young was "if you cant play nice then don't play together" rings true now. People identify themselves however their heart desires whatever makes them happy as long as their bubble doesn't force my personal bubble to be affected. Telling everyone that you need to be respected is like Cartman from Southpark demanding you respect my authority, and simultaneously choosing to show alternative believers that their beliefs need to be modified to suit the gender preferred generation is asking for conflict. We are surrounded by different people with different beliefs each to their own, sometimes all that you have left is that you agree to disagree, you go your way and I'll go mine.

Saturday, 8 January 2022


It's all a matter of perspective, people who may seem rigid in their thoughts and beliefs can change their mind in a instant depending on the circumstances. If you introduce a camera in the mix some of those peoples boundaries widen, all for the glory of attention. People crave the attention for likes and thumbs up on social media which alters their moral compass to shift because now the spotlight is on them. Craving the approval of others while wanting their peers to idolise them at the same time can alter how far they willing to go for attention and when they find themselves in competition with copycats for the top, the line wil only move further and further away. Stick with your boundaries because you don't want to lose your identity to someone else's point of view. You will only reach true happiness when you stop caring what people think about you and put your focus on what you want.

Thursday, 6 January 2022


In the past the world was ruled by strength the stronger you were the more power you had in your corner, now brains has taken over brawn. The more you know the more oportunity you have which will give you a higher chance to be more successful. On average men and women are both share similar IQs, but they both excel in different ways. So if men and women are equally intelligent why is society referred to as a patriarchal controlled society?. Why do women who are equal intelligent allow the injustice that holds back their potential of being on top? Is this so called patriarchal society something that can be changed? or is something that started off at the beginning of time unchangeable?. One question we need to ask ourselves is if this change is possible how will it affect the world as we know it?.