Sunday, 16 January 2022


Saying something positive about someone when it's just not true because you would rather avoid offending them might not always be the best tactic in helping them out. Compassion can sometimes hold people back if there is no truth in your words because our misguided influences deny people's true emotions to react on their own accord and learn from the tough emotions that may be tearing them apart. It's our personal feelings that gives us information about our experiences and teaches us more about ourselves than any false compliment could. Experiencing sadness teaches you that there is purpose to all your emotions, without tough times in your life experiences you would struggle to keep your sanity when the ground feels like its falling out from underneath you. Traversing through the tough times helps build you up for anything that goes against your grain of thought and helps maintain sanity to a mind that has now been strengthened from the tough times experienced. 

Friday, 14 January 2022


Most people don't want to burst someone else's bubble intentionally if it could be avoided. Through common decency and compassion people on average will choose to mind their own business and stay in their own bubble, but when certain people choose to make their business everybody else's business everything changes. When did someone's sexual orientation and gender identity become topics of interest? How come we have veered from a society that kept personal information to ourselves to a society that demands you look at us and acknowledge that we are a unique individual. When did we become a society who needs the acceptance of others to function properly. The need of acceptance will make us invisible to anyone to busy to pay attention to our self justification process?. When I'm introduced to a person I don't need to be informed of that persons sexual preference or a preference of identity. We are all part of the human race and that is good enough for me. People more than likely have already enough personal things to tie up their mind, rather than trying commit to memory 150 and growing genders just to avoid offending people who are creating unique labels for themselves. In most cultural beliefs their is always a conflict of interest but we need to be bigger than our differences. The lessons our parents taught us when we were young was "if you cant play nice then don't play together" rings true now. People identify themselves however their heart desires whatever makes them happy as long as their bubble doesn't force my personal bubble to be affected. Telling everyone that you need to be respected is like Cartman from Southpark demanding you respect my authority, and simultaneously choosing to show alternative believers that their beliefs need to be modified to suit the gender preferred generation is asking for conflict. We are surrounded by different people with different beliefs each to their own, sometimes all that you have left is that you agree to disagree, you go your way and I'll go mine.

Saturday, 8 January 2022


It's all a matter of perspective, people who may seem rigid in their thoughts and beliefs can change their mind in a instant depending on the circumstances. If you introduce a camera in the mix some of those peoples boundaries widen, all for the glory of attention. People crave the attention for likes and thumbs up on social media which alters their moral compass to shift because now the spotlight is on them. Craving the approval of others while wanting their peers to idolise them at the same time can alter how far they willing to go for attention and when they find themselves in competition with copycats for the top, the line wil only move further and further away. Stick with your boundaries because you don't want to lose your identity to someone else's point of view. You will only reach true happiness when you stop caring what people think about you and put your focus on what you want.

Thursday, 6 January 2022


In the past the world was ruled by strength the stronger you were the more power you had in your corner, now brains has taken over brawn. The more you know the more oportunity you have which will give you a higher chance to be more successful. On average men and women are both share similar IQs, but they both excel in different ways. So if men and women are equally intelligent why is society referred to as a patriarchal controlled society?. Why do women who are equal intelligent allow the injustice that holds back their potential of being on top? Is this so called patriarchal society something that can be changed? or is something that started off at the beginning of time unchangeable?. One question we need to ask ourselves is if this change is possible how will it affect the world as we know it?.

Wednesday, 5 January 2022


At conception your biological anatomy is decided which makes you a man or woman. In some instances a child is born with both male and female sex organs this makes them a hermaphrodite. Men or women who feel that they were born in the wrong body might change their biological anatomy and transform into a transgender person. If a transgender person just needed to change their gender and identify as the opposite sex merely by choosing to be the chosen sex, they could of skipped the hormonal treatment and painful operation. Transgender people could of saved themselves from the strenuous operation and just changed their gender to the preferred one if they truly believed it was enough to transform into the desired sex. On the same instance what makes a man a man and a woman a woman, I don't think it's a choice. If sex and gender are completely different for everyone than I know my sex is a male but I'm confused how my gender takes pole position in identifying who i am if it is based on your social and cultural factors. How does my gender identify me and not my sex. When did the science change that the characteristics became the way we identify as. If I were to introduce my children I wouldnt say this is my two femine girls who are shy but at the end of this meeting they may transform to masculine boys because gender is just a construct. If gender is a construct then everything we know about biology and science should be scrapped and back to the drawing board.

Tuesday, 4 January 2022


Some people would rather make themselves unapproachable as a technique to try to distance themselves from certain people in their life. This is so they could fall back on the excuse "That person doesn't like me enough to make a genuine effort " then they dont have feel that they are the bad guy in this unstable relationship. Blaming someone for the lack of effort even though your forcing their hand with your rudeness was never going to be tolerated, you may as well never had tried in the first place. Wasting your time and theirs makes little sense when recognising that time is one of the most precious commodities we have so respect yours and theirs. Give what you are to those who want your time and leave well enough alone to those who show you little respect. 

Friday, 31 December 2021


Curiosity killed the cat is a proverb that try's to turn off your desire to investigate because it could lead to danger and misfortune. We have grown in a society that keeps people limited in how they interact because of the chance of offending others. This kind of mentality hinders relationships that would be open to all forms of discussion all because of fears that are instilled in the minds of the curious. We are an evolving race without the search for the unknown we will never discover anything new. So forget about the cat and keep your mind intuitive to the ever changing world.


The smartest person in the world couldn't convince someone to change their mind once that person has already made up their mind. Whether you try to tackle pros and cons to justify how you got to the outcome it really doesn't matter because as the saying goes you can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink. If people aren't willing you can not force them to think the way you do. Thinking is a matter of perspective and getting people to see from your point of view will only work if they desire it. No force of inception can get them to stay on your side of the fence. To have their attention for a brief moment will not carry as the voice of reason all the time. People will do what makes them happy no matter who tries to grab their focus. So you may try to educate but in the end do the smart thing and not force someone on your side that they won't remain loyal to.

Thursday, 30 December 2021


People go to psychiatrist to find clarity in their life, a truth that can bring them closer to inner peace away from the struggles that feeling alone can bring. We all strive to find our place in the world but if we base our truth on false beliefs we will feel attacked when anyone questions them. You ethhical beliefs are your foundation that define who you are as an individual which is where your true strengths lie allowing yourself to see things as they are which will enhance your perspective dramatically and transform you to accept the true nature of a particular situation. Life is what you make it so don't base it on a stack of cards that could topple in the wind, base it on truths that are universal because they will always remain, where as what is right for now will change with the trends. Following trends will put you at the mercy of whats popular not what is right. 

Wednesday, 29 December 2021


 Just watched a clip of "GOOD MORNING BRITAIN" where a film that was made by the BBC for schools' support in PSHE classes for 9 to 12 year olds are explained that there are more than 100 different gender identities. Doctors might have to keep this list near them when a soon to be parent asks what sex my child is? The world will be changed forever because they might have to make more prison types to suit all of those non male and non-female gender types who have broken the law. We also might have to consider how sports should be compared in competitions it's no longer men and women we have to be fair and consider the other minorities. If those who haven't studied biology can choose what they identify as then praise the modern times we no longer have to limit ourselves by facts my childhood dreams can come to fruition that I can be whatever I want no matter what proof I have to support my claim, then hurray for my unlimited imagination.