Showing posts with label HAVE YOUR SAY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HAVE YOUR SAY. Show all posts

Tuesday 20 December 2022


These days people have the tendency to tread carefully when making statements that could offend people or various groups for the fear of being cancelled. People shut their mouth and would rather not give their opinion because they prefer to show others that they are inclusive to the different opinions that have been raised. If they were asked a direct question they would use deflecting tactics to avoid giving their true opinion because of the fear that their opinion might taint the image they are wanting to portray. They delay answering questions quickly because they want to know the intention of the questions so that they can formulate the right answer, but the moment you presume that their is a right answer that isnt your true belief is the moment that you leave your opinion behind. It may not be popular to have a different opinion to others but we are all entitled to have a difference of opinion and it is that opinion that makes as individuals because if you dont speak your mind when you have a chance you may as well not have a voice. So the next time someone asks you a question you can either give the opinion you think the person asking you wants to hear or you can own your answer by saying exactly what you want to say. The choice is yours, you are either liked from those controlling your speech because you've succumb to a fake sense of secruity that comes with saying what is popular and saying what is expected of you or you be yourself and say what feels right for you no matter of how it makes you sound, happily knowing that you can sleep sound because you were honest with yourself and your peers. 

Saturday 17 December 2022


Saying something positive about someone when it's just not true because you would rather avoid offending them might not always be the best tactic in helping them out. Compassion can sometimes hold people back if there is no truth in your words because our misguided influences deny people's true emotions to react on their own accord and learn from the tough emotions that may be tearing them apart. It's our personal feelings that gives us information about our experiences and teaches us more about ourselves than any false compliment could. Experiencing sadness teaches you that there is purpose to all your emotions, without tough times in your life experiences you would struggle to keep your sanity when the ground feels like its falling out from underneath you. Traversing through the tough times helps build you up for anything that goes against the grain of thought and maintain sanity to a mind that has strengthened from the tough times experienced. 


Not everyone takes in information the same way or is able to make sense of the information that they do to take in, so unless you are willing to try out different ways to connect with people who you're not on the same page with the point you try to make may end up bouncing on deaf ears. Lessons don't take well when the mind is focused on the frustrations of life, so your only chance to get through to people during the tough times is on how good your ability is to understand when its the appropriate time to approach them and how you should approach them. The ability to know the correct time of when to approach people coincides with you recognising what the persons current state of mind is and by understanding that their perspective should be taken in consideration. People need to have a clear head if you want them to absorb the knowledge that you give to them. A rational mind makes rational decisions, emotions need to be controlled for logical thought to be heightened. Without control of your emotions the anger you feel will speak louder than your mind and ignore what you really think like most of the time.

Saturday 10 December 2022


Taking pride in yourself shows others that you are confident in your self being and that you are a reliable person who should be trusted. Most people will start off trusting you without you having to do anything for them to earn their trust, this is due to the fact that we have the tendency to give respect to people when we meet someone new because we inturn expect them to show us the same respect that we have given to them. When we first meet someone we dont want to feel that we've started on the back foot with them feeling that we have to earn their trust when we know that we haven't done anything wrong to deserve to be treated like we have wronged them. We dont want their past to make us feel like we are to blame for what they have been through. When you cross the line and lose someone's trust your irrational behaviour puts you in a place where trust must be gained back this is a matter of the consequences of your actions which conditions people to recognise that the actions they do or don't do will get you to reply to them with either niceness or to be stand offish. So if you want to be trusted, be the person that people won't have any problem trusting. Your actions speak louder than words, so be the person that you say you are because talking about why you should be trusted won't get you any closer to being trusted.

Tuesday 6 December 2022


If spite was your sole motivator, you soon will find out that crossing the line just to get to effect someone else's lifestyle for the negative will affect you and others in the crossfire. Having your mindset stuck in feeling resentment for someone will have you fixated on the negative effects that you could use to affect your rival, but the negative thoughts will also remain with you and influence you on everything that you do. Spite is like a virus that attaches itself to you and holds you back from moving forward, the only thing that you can do to remedy the resentment your feeling is to focus on what you need not on depriving the needs of your rival. Letting spite take charge will mean that your values have to be pushed aside to make way for the everchanging grudge that takes you over with the purpose to influences your every move. So, if you don't want to be in proximity when spite claims a victim avoid the crossfire from ever happening by keeping your focus on what makes you happy and not on what will make someone else unhappy. We all have different aspirations that guide us, we don't need to collide heads when jealousy hits, we should use the achievements of others to motivate us to do better. Being happy for people success is your best pathway to your own successful life otherwise karma will ruin your day of success. So remember that it takes more strength to let go of your frustrations than to hold onto them.

Monday 5 December 2022


Some people would rather spend their efforts to push you in a place where you would react in a way that supports their arguments. There intentions are focused on getting you to dislike them so that when you finally give up on them that they can reassure themselves that you never cared anyway, but distancing yourself from them is the only rational response to their miserable behaviour. Their intention to create unnecessary drama all to bring you to breaking point brings their plan into fruition, now they don't have to feel so guilty with how they have been making you feel because the cat and mouse game is finally over. This is their biggest mistake because what makes people different is their threshold to drama but the end result is the same for all of us once we feel that we have nothing more to give the bond that we once had is broken and the bond can not be repaired no matter the effort afterwards. This is never considered because the depth of their actions is only focused on short term fixes. Life is about the long game short term fixes will pass as quickly as they started in the whole scheme of things, once the line has been crossed all that remains is the regret that can not be rectified. So choose your words wisely and your actions even more carefully so that you don't have to wonder, "What if I just". 

Saturday 3 December 2022


Information can be disregarded all because of where it was attained. People stop paying attention the moment the source is revealed all because they don't feel comfortable to accept the information as valid. Their dislike of the source bounds them to only look at what is being said when they deem it a suitable trustworthy source even though what is being said might be identical on both sources. If the information was extracted and the source was not the focus all that would be left is valid information to be recognised for what it is. Even untrustworthy sources can get it right some of the time, It is up to you to cypher through the mess and make sense of what is true and what is false. By placing limitations on where you go to gain knowledge will only result in shutting yourself down from the places that could have a perspective that you haven't considered. Limitations control where you look, to where you learn, so look everywhere you haven't and learn from anyone who has valuable information otherwise you are only doing yourself a injustice. Don't dumb yourself down just because you would rather stick to the boundaries that you put up.

Thursday 1 December 2022


Feeling guilty can be your wake up call to the bad choices that you've made because it is your minds way of letting you know that your actions go against what you yourself consider rational. Your mind uses the guilt that your feeling to tell you that something is majorly wrong with your choices and that the only way of you rectifying it is by doing the right thing which will eventually clear your conscious. If the guilt trip isn't strong enough to change your ways then the part of your brain that ignores what is the right thing to do is solely in charge and would rather choose to pretend that you coudnt of done anything differently to fix the problem. No one can sway your thinking because you alone have the power to listen to the rational part of your brain that tries to steer you to a place that allows innerpeace peace to be your guide which will help you when you go to sleep at night knowing that you've done everything in your power to do what is considered the right thing to do. Choosing the easiest path was only ever beneficial to you because anything else would of meant you had to put actual effort into making something work which you would prefer to take the easy pathway with minimal put out. The easiest way will lead you to the hardest reality that you will face because your intentions in mind were selfish and you only had you in mind when making decisions, nobody else ever crossed your mind when the tough decisions had to be made. So take responsibility for the outcome of your current situation and dont blame the peoples voices that you ignored. You choices, your outcome, your repercussions, your life.

Wednesday 23 November 2022


Growing up one of the hardest questions that we can face and spend a lifetime trying to figure out is, Who we really are? In our adolescents we try to mirror the ones we admire thinking that if we do everything that they do then we too would be admired and respected. Eventually our interests changes and we focus on another person to put onto a pedestal, all  this does is to divert the much needed attention away from ourselves and gets us to focus on other peoples achievements. This should be the time where we spend on working on ourselves, what are our wants and what do we need to do to achieve our personal goals. Trying to be something that your not will detach you further away from the person that would bring you true happiness the person that is the truest version of yourself because that version has accepted that you don't have to be anything but yourself. Most people believe that how they see themselves is how people see them, but if this were true why are we constantly trying to prove ourselves to our peers rather than letting our honour stand for us. Guilty until  proven innocent seem to be the mood of these days If your not present to defend yourself then your honour isn't enough to defend the heresy of conversation that has spread lies about your stance. So stop trying to please others if it puts your honour on the line and just be the person you want to be because the people that truly matter to you don't need you to defend yourself because they already believe in you.

Monday 14 November 2022


As humans we are all capable of good things and bad things, but it is in our power alone to choose how we react to the world around us and the people within it. Nobody can force your hand on how to act or control what you should think that is all controlled within the confines of your own mind. With all the conflicting information we receive it is up to us to make sense of the things that we dont understand and accept that we alone are responsible for our actions. The world does not owe us a thing, life is a blessing we need to appreciate that we are all lucky to have the opportunity to make something of ourselves. The chances we all had at birth was one in more than a million so we should appreciate being alive. How you choose to live your life is up to you, your choice to be good or bad is up to you as well, so don't blame the world for what you've chosen because the power to choose is in your hands.


Being nice some of the time to prove a point might be enough for you to feel good about yourself but most people base their opinion of you on the majority of the time. If you have to prove that your intentions are good and your heart is pure then you don't have much faith in you what your actions are showing. Being yourself is not a performance act, it should just be a natural action that reflects what you are like when the lime light isn't on you without the forced filters that highlight all of us as flawless human beings. One of peoples biggest flaws is that we try to act in a way that we think our peers want us to be like but who are we fooling because this decision will catch up with us in the end when we are trying to work out what went wrong. Life is about figuring yourself out the sooner you come to terms with who you really are the sooner the charade can end and the sooner you can reach your true goals. 

Sunday 13 November 2022


We like to believe that fair is fair, you do what is right for you and I'll do what is right for me because your business doesn't have to be my business. This may be the ideal way of thinking in most circumstances but when conflicts do arise all because of a difference of opinion the only outcome left is to push forward your perspective even though the road will get bumpier when conflict hits. Your stance now is forced to adapt to the current situation at hand and accept that your opinion is as important as those who have shunned your point of view and tried to speak over you to highlight the importance of their own words. Your choice to stand up for what you believe in is the only move you have left otherwise your fate will be at the mercy of others. Those people who have gotten comfortable always getting their way will get a rude awakening when they realise there is more to a situation than their own point of view.

Friday 4 November 2022


Some people spend more time trying to find problems with a situation than trying to accept that things are the way they are. Even when there is no real issues they spend time nitpicking to find fault so that they can feel justified in any action they decide to take. They are largely influenced by their biased beliefs, which prevents anyone changing their mind. They will use any tactic at their disposal to entrap a person into showing them their bad side just to prove that their negative judgement makes sense. They spend a lot of their time making themselves unapproachable  so that they can play the victim card when nobody wants to spend any time with them. This tactic stops them from pursuing most things because it takes courage to try to make  things work and if they don't try to work on things that are difficult then they technically didn't fail. Making themselves unapproachable sometimes can have the opposite affect when a person starts to feel sorry for them and gives them more attention than they deserve. To them it is better to get any attention than no attention at all. This pattern gets monotonous and so does the rut that they have put themselves in. People will help you out of the hole you put yourself in but you need to be nice and appreciate them otherwise enjoy your ride of pattern of disappointment that will go on and on until you accept your responsible for your own life, no one is to be blamed for your choices. 

Thursday 3 November 2022


We like to believe that the people that we share our time with will all have our back when it counts, but this is a presumption that can leave us with a bad taste in the mouth. The problem is that we assume if the shoe was on the other foot and if the chance were to arise that everyone would do what we would do for them, but what comes natural for us is not always the same for others. What we consider is a natural way to treat those we spend time with can be far from what others perceive should be a natural way for them because they believe if they were to do anything differently it will go against the grain and they will lose any of their standings all because they went against the usual way of doing things. Expecting that your peers would follow suit will only highlight your relationship standings with them by uncovering the truth of what they would truly do to keep your bond strong. Karma doesn't always come around to teach people the lesson of "Treat people how you would like to be treated", so you can either accept that you can either treat people better than they will treat you or you can stop being a doormat for those who feel that they dont owe you the respect that you always show them. 

Wednesday 26 October 2022


Alot of parents like to blame themselves for the mistakes that their kids make believing that their kids wouldnt of made any errors if they themselves were better at teaching them the right way to do things. This is nonsense because the limitations of a child can affect their abilities to not only take in the information that you give to them but also the child's own inability to transform that information into practice. We like to think that the more information that we give to our kids the more likely that they will take in the information and transform it into positive energy that will show their acquired talent  on cue. A child's brain may be capable of absorbing the information like a sponge but being able to use it when needed is easier said than done. Playing Beethoven while they are in the womb will not create musicians, getting them to play golf young will not get them to grow up to be like Tiger Woods. Life would be so much simpler if the resources given could translate to talent gained. We are what we are capable of but discovering your limits is only reached when you push yourself out of your comfort zone. So don't quit until you are the better version of yourself and mostly don't give up on the person that you could be.

Monday 24 October 2022


Some people live alot of their life in their head space where their insecurities affect how they interact with others. This isn't based on how the are treated by others but more on how they feel when in they are in groups. No matter how people treat them they put it onto themselves to make themselves uncomfortable even though their negative interpretation isn't really justified. They believe that they are alone which reinforces their initial negative thoughts that they shouldn't converse with anyone in the group because they believe that they do not have anything positive to add to the group. Feeling like you don't belong to the group can start to make you feel resentment of those who you interact with who have done nothing to justify your cynacle behaviour. We can be our worst critic especially when we focus on things that aren't true. This can easily be rectified by adding a positive attitude to the group and by treating people with respect.  Nobody needs a bad attitude directed to them all because you have made yourself feel lonely and dont keep on expecting people to continuously make you feel better, it is your job to keep your head space in a positive mode.

Wednesday 19 October 2022


One of societies biggest problems is that people are constantly comparing themselves to their peers. People irrationally believe that their circumstances arent fair because they don't have the same things as their peers. They fail to recognise that if they had what ever their peers has it is only a tip of the Iceberg, and you can't claim the good parts without claiming what sacrifices were made to accomplish the end result. These sacrifices could be to great of a loss that you are willing to forgo. We shouldn't measure ourselves on the bases of what others have accomplished because it only takes away our own efforts. We may be similar in our wants but we vary in what we are willing to do to get what we want.  Our line of discomfort is different for each of us this is measured by our threshold so be glad for what you've accomplished in you own threshold and don't assume the grass is greener on the other side because it generally isn't.

Monday 17 October 2022


Alot of people claim that they know better than their peers and that if they were ever caught in the same situation that they wouldnt hesitate when making the only right decision. Those same people will use every opportunity they get to take any advantage they can, even at the detriment of someone elses lifestyle. They will use any tactic in their arsenal to keep valuable information away from their peers who might be influenced to make an informed decision that might not suit their own personal agenda all in the guise of, I do it to benefit them. The truth is being a control freak is limiting your trust with your peers because by taking away their ability to make their own choices your decision to withhold information keeps the power of knowledge in your hands and dumbs down their ability to choose correctly. The world is a sphere of possibilities not a cage of control so let others make their own choices with the same advantages you have in life and let lifes challenges be its own lesson for them to grow and eventually be rewarded. 

Monday 10 October 2022


We all have found ourselves one time or another telling people what we would do if we were in their position. This is easy enough to do when the consequences don't have any bearing on our own lifestyle. Making decisions without the pressure of consequences takes away the factors that you consider when evaluating your preferences. Opinions based on your life experiences can vary from opinions that are based on assumptions. This is why you shouldn't presume what is good for you would be right for another person. You would more than likely make different decisions for your own lifestyle than a peer might make but whatever they decide to do they alone will walk their own path and nobody has the right to claim they know better. We must make our own choices in life but with the same philosophy of understanding that we also must take responsibility for our own decisions. No one can force you in a direction you don't want to go that's why an alcoholic shouldn't blame a bottle shop for selling him alcohol and a gambler shouldn't blame a casino for taking his bet. We are adults and as adults we need to take responsibility for our choices even if we keep on repeating the same mistakes over and over again. The world does not owe any of us anything we owe the world to be better and if we find it challenging than ask the world politely for help.


Throughout the different stages of our life we discover that there are so many unique interests that we could invest our free time in, this is an essential part of our journey of self discovery. It is through this trial and error of process that we work out what we like and what we dont like. This process gets us closer to work out what makes us tick and and what steps we need take to reach our desired goals. The challenge is to discover what keeps you interested as quickly as you can so you don't waste your time by following what others say you should follow. Your interests shouldn't be motivated by what's popular, you need to be honest with what you like even if it doesn't go with the rest of the public.  Some people don't know what to like so they attach themselves to other peoples interests which will only end up doing a dishonour to themselves. So choose what you like without trying to predict what are my friends and family going to think and you'll find comfort with like minded people who genuinely share your same interests.