Monday 5 December 2022


Some people would rather spend their efforts to push you in a place where you would react in a way that supports their arguments. There intentions are focused on getting you to dislike them so that when you finally give up on them that they can reassure themselves that you never cared anyway, but distancing yourself from them is the only rational response to their miserable behaviour. Their intention to create unnecessary drama all to bring you to breaking point brings their plan into fruition, now they don't have to feel so guilty with how they have been making you feel because the cat and mouse game is finally over. This is their biggest mistake because what makes people different is their threshold to drama but the end result is the same for all of us once we feel that we have nothing more to give the bond that we once had is broken and the bond can not be repaired no matter the effort afterwards. This is never considered because the depth of their actions is only focused on short term fixes. Life is about the long game short term fixes will pass as quickly as they started in the whole scheme of things, once the line has been crossed all that remains is the regret that can not be rectified. So choose your words wisely and your actions even more carefully so that you don't have to wonder, "What if I just". 

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