Thursday 1 December 2022


Feeling guilty can be your wake up call to the bad choices that you've made because it is your minds way of letting you know that your actions go against what you yourself consider rational. Your mind uses the guilt that your feeling to tell you that something is majorly wrong with your choices and that the only way of you rectifying it is by doing the right thing which will eventually clear your conscious. If the guilt trip isn't strong enough to change your ways then the part of your brain that ignores what is the right thing to do is solely in charge and would rather choose to pretend that you coudnt of done anything differently to fix the problem. No one can sway your thinking because you alone have the power to listen to the rational part of your brain that tries to steer you to a place that allows innerpeace peace to be your guide which will help you when you go to sleep at night knowing that you've done everything in your power to do what is considered the right thing to do. Choosing the easiest path was only ever beneficial to you because anything else would of meant you had to put actual effort into making something work which you would prefer to take the easy pathway with minimal put out. The easiest way will lead you to the hardest reality that you will face because your intentions in mind were selfish and you only had you in mind when making decisions, nobody else ever crossed your mind when the tough decisions had to be made. So take responsibility for the outcome of your current situation and dont blame the peoples voices that you ignored. You choices, your outcome, your repercussions, your life.

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