Monday, 24 October 2022


Some people live alot of their life in their head space where their insecurities affect how they interact with others. This isn't based on how the are treated by others but more on how they feel when in they are in groups. No matter how people treat them they put it onto themselves to make themselves uncomfortable even though their negative interpretation isn't really justified. They believe that they are alone which reinforces their initial negative thoughts that they shouldn't converse with anyone in the group because they believe that they do not have anything positive to add to the group. Feeling like you don't belong to the group can start to make you feel resentment of those who you interact with who have done nothing to justify your cynacle behaviour. We can be our worst critic especially when we focus on things that aren't true. This can easily be rectified by adding a positive attitude to the group and by treating people with respect.  Nobody needs a bad attitude directed to them all because you have made yourself feel lonely and dont keep on expecting people to continuously make you feel better, it is your job to keep your head space in a positive mode.

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