Wednesday 26 October 2022


Alot of parents like to blame themselves for the mistakes that their kids make believing that their kids wouldnt of made any errors if they themselves were better at teaching them the right way to do things. This is nonsense because the limitations of a child can affect their abilities to not only take in the information that you give to them but also the child's own inability to transform that information into practice. We like to think that the more information that we give to our kids the more likely that they will take in the information and transform it into positive energy that will show their acquired talent  on cue. A child's brain may be capable of absorbing the information like a sponge but being able to use it when needed is easier said than done. Playing Beethoven while they are in the womb will not create musicians, getting them to play golf young will not get them to grow up to be like Tiger Woods. Life would be so much simpler if the resources given could translate to talent gained. We are what we are capable of but discovering your limits is only reached when you push yourself out of your comfort zone. So don't quit until you are the better version of yourself and mostly don't give up on the person that you could be.

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