Tuesday 7 March 2023


As we get older and we find ourselves reflecting back on our past decisions the thoughts bouncing back at us either leave us feeling positive because of our achievements or leave us feeling negative with a build up of regret for what we have never achieved. Accepting that we alone are responsible for where we end up because of what we've chosen to priorities in our life is the first step of dealing with our misfortunes which then gives us an opportunity to take a step away from blaming others for us not reaching our intended goals. Accepting our role empowers us to make the right decisions to get our life back on track where we would prefer to be. Realising that bad choices that we've made has lead our life to a place where our time is now limited to remedy. Time constraints now force you to think harder than you have ever before about what is the right thing to do but with the added thought will you be happy with where your choices lead you. Time is the most important commodity how you choose to spend your time on this earth will be remembered by your family and friends. So do yourself proud by leaving a positive impact with those with whom you interact with otherwise don't be surprised by the few people who will raise a hand to help you at your time of need. If you only think of yourself then be prepared for a lonely life where companionship is limited to acquaintances who are bored with very few options. Or be someone who someone will make you their priority, the choice is yours and so are the consequences.

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