Tuesday, 14 March 2023


The world can be a very scary place to live in and it is natural for some people to take the easier path when trying to handle their fears rather than face their fears head on. To remain in a pieceful state of mind some people prefer shutting their eyes to some of the atrocities that could affect their own mental state of mind. Shutting their eyes to what's happening around the world might make them feel safer in the moment because their belief system relys on out of sight out of mind to help them when the situation gets too hard for their mind to process, but what would of bothered them in the present is still happening in the world with just fewer people accepting that the problems are real. So if you've chosen to ignore a problem you will only do yourself a injustice because without your voice having any impact on what may bother you, your choice to not speak has left others with the power do the talikg for you. Standing up when it's time to speak shows the victims that you acknowledge the injustice that they have faced and you admire their bravery to tell their story so your only right choice is to show them the respect that they deserve is by acknowledging that their suffering is never ignored. Hardships are not to be ignored but respected for that it was great strength in their perseverance that they have mustered up in their darkest moments that got them to the other side.

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