Monday, 23 May 2022


The world is full of judgement, fair or not fair it is the way of the world. Alot of the blame can be tied to our primal instinct of self preservation that uses our desire to protect ourselves by staying away from things that we believe may harm us. When someone looks dangerous we distance ourselves even though we don't really know who they are. How we present ourselves may reflect on how we are treated in society which isn't fair but it is fact. if someone gives you bad vibes and looks dangerous you try and avoid them even though you may be completely wrong in your assumption. Not liking how your perceived by people who try to profile you into certain categories the answer may seem that a little education could teach them who you really are, but it is a task that you'll soon grow tired to repeat. Changing how you look will satisfy the general crowd but you'll lose your own identity. So surround yourself with people who are happy with you the way you are and leave those who don't like your persona away in their own little corner.

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