Sunday, 22 May 2022


Normal is just the standard of what is average, it is not right or wrong. Being the same as the crowd just to fit in is wrong and being different just to be different is also not the right way of being true to yourself. You are what you are not what the world says you should be so take advantage of your adolescents and discover who you are while every experience is new. Once you reach your true identity then you don't need an audience to self promote because a mirror will be enough to announce to the only person that you need to answer to "Here I AM". The person that you are in your alone time isn't set out trying to prove anything  they just are. You will only be free if you accept that you don't need affirmation from others you just need to succeed in being you. Freedom starts with you letting go of what people think and starts with what you think of yourself. So let it be the time to set yourself free.

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