Monday, 19 August 2024


We all like to believe that we are good people with good intentions at heart but for this to be true we must have a good value system. How many of us can say that we can stand by our beliefs without the need of camouflaging our truth? If your personal views come out will you shy away from them by pretending that you never had that thought in your mind? or Would you stand proud by your views even if it makes you unpopular with the masses?. There was a time when integrity stood on the top of people's motivation to do the right thing because as people who welcome the respect of others we all know that the quickest way to earn the respect of others is to be a man or woman of your word. Honesty is the key that will help bind us to a free world where truth matters and where it can sometimes be difficult to know who we should admire for their honesty and who we should avoid for their lies. One very important thing we should ask ourselves is can you respect someone who has a poor value system and if so then ask yourself what is it about their personal value system that you respect?

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