Monday, 19 August 2024


Those of you who prefer to spend your free time in hiding your true intentions in order to camouflage your bias ways feel like utter failures when your foxy ways to manipulate others are exposed. The harder you try to convince others that your crossing of pathways is just a serendipitous moment which has now given you the opportunity to make your bold claims doesn't fool the people that are familiar with your true intentions. Your planned response only comes across as a failed rehearsal that you have orchestrated in your distorted mind. We are all creatures of habit and the moment you change your patterns of behaviour you only highlight that you had planned to be deceitful with a smirk that highlights your true intentions. It is no coincidence that you are face to face with the person that you happen to have a preset conversation with where you can try to make your points stick whether their relevant or not. So rather than being disappointed for someone seeing through the farce and seeing your true negative side maybe you should focus on the side of you that you would prefer to be seen because that is the side of you that you feel you are most of the time. We all have the potential of being ugly so let's try being beautiful people by showing the side of us that we strive to show our peers.

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