Nostalgia is tied to our past affection, a memory from a period that feels us with bliss. Is it the simplicity of times with little responsibility? or the feeling that we have so much living infront of us with the potential to do anything our imaginative mind can think of? that made us feel like we were walking on the yellow brick road to an adventure that will change our life forever. Life in your adolescents gave you hopefulness and came with unlimited possibilities, whereas now the older you get the more clouded you feel from what you would of felt when there was little doubt in your little head. Time goes on and now you are responsible for more than just yourself and the clouds are no longer where your thoughts lie. Life is now about being serious and making important decisions that will affect you or someone you care about so man up or woman up whatever you prefer is fine with me, but this doesn't mean the fun has to end. Remember what good times you may reflect on in your past and happily to reminisce in is not exactly all spot on, and on the the other side of the coin kids of today wish they could grow up quicker so that they could be like the adults they aspire to be. Nostalgia is good but only because we remember the easier life we had, now we responsible for others so we believe that if we had the power to choose that we would go back to live in our past, even though what we would sacrifice would be everything that we went through and every lesson that taught us who we are. Have your head and your heart in the now and appreciate that your past has made you who you are today.

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