Saturday, 20 November 2021


As retail businesses now will only allow to enter if you show them your vaccination pass this force of government rule brings out the flaws with some peoples personalities. I've heard some customers claim that Australia has become a communist country even though living in a communist country is far different from living in Australia. Some so called customers will get vaccinated but believe by showing their vaccination pass at the door before they enter goes against their privacy. I'm not sure what they thought was going to be the next step after getting the vaccination pass set up on their phone but following the rules halfway will not get you in the door. Some people will get angry and will respond with you have just lost a sale im taking my business elsewhere this threat has lost its validity because those type of irrational people will usually refuse to do what the majority of the community will do and go against the grain which will leave them in the exact position they started in, without a product they were searching for. Those who easily throw around that threat of loss of business are few that's why the business they are trying to threat are usually thriving. 

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