Thursday, 26 August 2021


Do anti-vax's believe covid is real? Do they think the chances of getting covid is low and having a vaccination for covid is wrong because they feel bullied to take it.? Do they believe the government around the world is encouraging all the people in the world including themselves for a grander plan. What is the conspiracy that drives the government to a destination where the people in society have all have been vaccinated. Maybe we can blame the movies that have shown us all the conspiracys that the world has supposedly been through and the parents that haven't taught their kids that what happens in the movies is mainly for entertaining purposes. Kids have to be a 18 before they are mature enough to make choices but sometimes maturity doesn't set in with age and what your left with is ignorance. This can explain the conspiracy theory that the world is against those who oppose the government because that minority group are humanity's last hope. Luckily for the rest of us that are ill informed civilians we have superheroes willing to fight the good fight that only they can fight because they are the chosen ones.

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