Wednesday 26 April 2023


Most people get along with most types of people quite easily with the help of their  social skills. Whether you chatting to someone about common interests or your intrigued by topics that you know nothing about, the drive to be social comes with many rewards. We as people a sociable creatures most of what we do we like to do with others, whether its because sharing our experiences with others heightens our own personal experiences or its just purely for the reason to get to know someone on a more personal level we are driven to socialise. Life without friends or family time can feel a little pointless because acquaintances can only get your social meter so far and you cant expect any acquaintance to go out of their way to accommodate for any of your unfair requests. Life truly feels more fulfilling when you share your experiences with your friends and family who will back you up when you  need it and help you when you are struggling with the pot holes of life because of the long term emotional connection you'll always have their support when you feel sad and lost. So socialise and be happy in knowing that an independent person may be strong alone but a group full of friends and family will always conquer.

Friday 21 April 2023


We are all creatures of habit and because of this we can easily overlook the things that we are constantly complaining about that can also be found in our own set routines. This is mostly a problem for those who spend most of their time looking outwards and never in. It is even harder for those who are bitter and full of resentment to connect the dots between their personal frustrations with their peers and the things that they do themselves regularly enough that don't differ that much from those that they feel very comfortable to complain about. It is understandable to see that some time or another that we all may show a little hypocrisy in our actions but a little may be the result of you not feeling yourself because your having a bad day whereas those whose majority of their conversation consists of complaining about others it is obvious that they are only happy when they are putting someone down. If someone finds it easier to complain about the actions of others than striking up an interesting conversation then maybe they should spare a moment of their time to explore what about their own life isn't worth talking about in a positive light when they are conversing with their peers. There has to be more topics of conversation than what's wrong why not mix it up a little and talk about what's right with the world and see if others will gravitate towards your positivity. What do you have to lose other than your negative aura?.

Tuesday 18 April 2023


Your outlook on life is heavily reliant on your chosen environment whether you are surrounded by positive energy that is uplifting to your spirit or negative energy that keeps you down in a place where you feel at your most insecure it is up to you to choose your environment carefully. No matter on the strength of your spirit, being tested on a daily basis you might of convinced yourself that its character building and it will increase your endurance but is the constant barrage good for your moral?. It is hard to stay true to yourself if your moral is low because your moral is what motivates you to move forward when your feeling down and you don't know what to do. During the tough times when you can feel disheartened by the dilemmas your facing it is only the show of moral that has the power to lift your spirit up and without the presence of moral we become robotic by showing no emotions. In robotic mode we only do the bare necessary without the extra effort that you normally would put in when your moral is high and feel good about what you are doing . Our undesirable chosen environment tries to push away the humanity in us because it is the humanity that connects us to our moral. Knowing one's self is the grandest task of all and going against what feels right is bad for your soul hence will only lead you to unhappiness. So follow your heart and keep your moral intact otherwise your choices will lead you to a place where you find it impossible to justify the reasoning behind your choices.

Friday 14 April 2023


The rich will always think they're right because they believe the masses that they have acrued represents that all their choices in life are always going to be spot on even the ones that don't concern finances. It is hard for them to see that they could be wrong when they are surrounded by so much wealth but as much as they can afford all the materials that money can buy without a balanced mindset it is easy to lose sight of what their money can not reach. Not everything has a price tag loyalty from close friends that are there by your side because of your honourable qualities and not there because of the size of wallet. A man with less money and more true friends is richer than a rich man with no true friends only paid ones. Respect goes along way further than money will ever reach, respect from your peers can not be bought and if it could why would anyone ever want respect that wasn't earnt and based purely on what you paid for it. If you were a (wo)man of your worth you would only want what you have earned fairly knowing that you followed the rules and didn't step on anyone to climb the hierarchical ladder just to reach your goal. The satisfaction of being triumphant honourably will fill you up with satisfaction that rings true through your whole body that builds a solid foundation that good people will flock to. If you achieve success dishonesty you will be left feeling shameful, so be proud to be good instead let the dishonest be alone wasting their money on those who will leave the moment the money leaves.


Words only have true meaning if they are factual and are based in reality which inturn helps reassure those who are conversing that you are following the conversation and that the points that you are making are not being misconstrued. When the majority of the population agree that the true meaning of a certain word has a universal meaning that goes beyond all cultural differences ignoring its functional side leaves the unrelenting few  grasping at only whats left which is the irrational thought process that is hard to support because it is based on feelings while true meaning is based on reality and how it connects to the truth. The world would be simpler if it was based on multiple truths because then there would be no need to compromise our beliefs but the harsh facts of life are based on a universal truth which is connected to all of us whether we take part or deny in its existence their is no changing what is fact. If you base you beliefs on something that is not real you will have a hard awakening when the truth hits you like a brick so stop sweeping your issues under the rug and deal with the truths infront of you before your left looking dumbfounded by the questions you can't answer.

Friday 7 April 2023


Sometimes someone admires someone so much that they will do anything to be exactly like the one that they admire but all they know about that particular person is what they see on a superficial level. What a person looks is only a small part of who they are and how they choose to represent themselves is not always interpreted in the way that they themselves intended it to, alot of their true character is lost in your translation of them. Twins may share alot of similarities but that doesn't mean that they feel the same inside, so trying to mimic someones appearance just to make you feel closer to them doesn't change that you still are the same person underneath. In life you must accept yourself as you are but if you dont like something about yourself it's okay to look to others for inspiration for qualities that you admire, as long as it is not at the detriment of losing yourself.  Its easy to make judgements based on a lack of information when your trying to compare your life to those you admire but you need to remember that the grass always looks greener from a far. Falling in the trap of needing the approval of others just to justify your insecurities will have you feeling on edge all the time so let the inspiration of others guide you not control you. Generally speaking we look for patterns in the things we focus on so that we can find common ground this is to better understand how we as people work and what motivates us to do what we do this doesn't mean every single instance has to be the same for everyone, it just means that when it counts most that we are more alike than different which is not as bad as people make it to be as if they feel they have to be different to stand out. So don't lose yourself in doubting your part in the grand scheme of things we are all important even if we don't fit the mould, just make sure that what motivates you is real not rushed.

Tuesday 28 March 2023


It's easy to say you will do anything when your trying to prove your point but when the time comes to honour your claims it's not as easy as you thought it should of been. The bigger the claim the more your not likely to follow through because most people stick with what they are most comfortable doing and to go against the grain is especially hard when it means they have to steer away from their long term habits of trying to avoid the challenges of life by choosing the most simplest path. Tough times make for tough people so if you always choosing the simplest path not because its the right thing to do but because it's easier you will only hurt yourself in the long run when you are forced to face the fact that there will be a time where both paths you choose will both lead to difficult times ahead. The only way to stay true to your claims is to do what is right all of the time because easy path or difficult path you can be proud that you've always been a person of your word and with the trust that you've earned its easier to see that your claims are honourable. So rather than having high claims that go against your normal character be the person that you claim to be from the start and no one will ever doubt you. 

Thursday 23 March 2023


Sometimes the frustrations people face get them to react in a way that's out of their normal character this is where the stress of the day has driven them out of what is considered rational behaviour and into the anything goes mentality. We all have moments of weakness in our character that drives us to do the opposite of what we would normally do all because we are in pain, feeling tired, overly hungry or just the stresses of the day are far too much for us to handle calmly, nobody is infallible we all have our vulnerabilities because we are all only human. Sometimes peoples irrational uncontrolled anger towards someone is set in stone and no amount of conversation will get them to see that their overreaction to their chosen rival is not justified. At this point its only about being triumphant in their attempts to prove that they are right in feeling the hostility towards their chosen victim, this is so they can rationalise their choice of action. Without rationalising their actions they would be forced to face the harsh reality that they are not as nice as they claim to be. With their built up frustrations they will even use innocent bystanders as a target just to prove a point that they are treating everyone the same because just to show that they have no bias and for anyone and to claim that they have been mistreated  is untrue. No matter the strategies people use to hide their true intentions their general actions when they are in their most relaxed state of mind will show their true intentions because their guard is down so the show to be nice isn't under the microscope, but when you have to modify your standard behaviour its because something you were doing showed your true motives good or bad. We are creatures of habit so what do your habits say about you?

Monday 20 March 2023


When we have to make a decision that most likely will affect our life but we are stuck at crossroads alot of conflicting thoughts can go through our mind when we are trying to figure out what is the better path to choose?. While facing the crossroads dilemma, logical thought is relied on more than ever because its logical thought that helps us priorities the importance of our options by taking all considerations and then evaluating them to make the right choices. Whereas when we let desire lead our decisions our desires may lead us astray for that our desires are only focused on our ever changing mood and our desires doesn't normally take in consideration how the radical behaviour may affect others. What is considered logical to someone is illogical to someone else so our logic is based on what makes sense to us as individuals. If most people in a community shared the same logical views it would make sense to say that the communities chosen path is the most rational? It seems that our focus has now shifted from what makes sense and is rational to please the minority radical mindset which complies of the mentality what is right for me and me alone is the correct view and the only view that should be considered important so change all of your views for me,  this one sided view has the majority of people wondering is logical thought a thing of the past? Logic is tied to boundaries without boundaries in your life you have no way of recognising what your doing is right or wrong in the eyes of the people you surround yourself with. If what you desire was your only motivator it would lead us to a world that was full of over confident students unable to take in anything that wasn't about them, without competent teachers to guide them that taking in all considerations when trying to make choices that makes sense for the majority of the community should be an easy choice. Without logical thought their is only chaos where the lessons we've learnt in the past are ignored which will more than likely mean that we are doomed to repeat them. It is through trial and error that we've achieved our progessive development in the community by recognising patterns in the similarities which allow us to organise groups because of their unique similarities that we are able to tend to them by focusing on their collective interests all so we can create order in the system, this is now seen as the wrong way because the generic labels aren't inclusive. Language has helped us find common ground in our similarities and by creating groups which it may not be a perfect system but that doesn't mean it's broken, it just needs to be fine tuned not thrown out. It is impossible to please everyone so logical thought tells us to please as many as you can without tipping the balance otherwise you'll be wondering how did we get to a place where we have lost our logic system and replaced it with chaos.

Tuesday 14 March 2023


The world can be a very scary place to live in and it is natural for some people to take the easier path when trying to handle their fears rather than face their fears head on. To remain in a pieceful state of mind some people prefer shutting their eyes to some of the atrocities that could affect their own mental state of mind. Shutting their eyes to what's happening around the world might make them feel safer in the moment because their belief system relys on out of sight out of mind to help them when the situation gets too hard for their mind to process, but what would of bothered them in the present is still happening in the world with just fewer people accepting that the problems are real. So if you've chosen to ignore a problem you will only do yourself a injustice because without your voice having any impact on what may bother you, your choice to not speak has left others with the power do the talikg for you. Standing up when it's time to speak shows the victims that you acknowledge the injustice that they have faced and you admire their bravery to tell their story so your only right choice is to show them the respect that they deserve is by acknowledging that their suffering is never ignored. Hardships are not to be ignored but respected for that it was great strength in their perseverance that they have mustered up in their darkest moments that got them to the other side.