Tuesday 31 May 2022


Time is fleeting which makes people's choices on how they spend their time and who they spend time with very important. People feel that their time is spent better if they fill it up with as much social interactions as possible. They believe building on relationships with people should be their number one priority. They don't see the importance of making some time alone for themselves because they feel this is wasted time spent doing nothing. Alot of peoples busy lifestyles puts them in situations where they are constantly surrounded by people, and very little time is portioned off for them to catch up for a little alone time which is the time you would work on yourself. If you haven't worked out how you tick by understanding your motivations in life and how to reach your desired level of happiness then you will find life's struggles will hit you hard. The dramas in your life will disorientate you and make you feel that you don't know if you are coming or going. So stop and focus on yourself and try to understand yourself at your core because this is a part of growing up but if you skipped it because you were too busy then stop and focus on you and what you really want in your life.

Saturday 28 May 2022


Having an opinion without a voicing yours is an opinion lost. We live in a time where we keep a lot of our thoughts to ourselves because we would rather not sound opinionated but having an opinion doesn't mean you are opinionated, it just means you have a thought on the topic. We all have the right to have our own opinion irrespective if it clashes with the current popular opinion. Keeping your thoughts to yourself because you would rather not offend anyone will only give a false representation of how you feel about the current topic and it is a dishonest stance to take. So stand tall and don't let fear control your statement because fitting in is neglecting your true opinion, and if you can't rely on yourself to be truthful than you shouldn't rely on others to be truthful. 

Friday 27 May 2022


Music is such a powerful medium that has the power to get people to say things that might not make any sense or even sometimes have the affect to be offensive to alot of people all because you are saying the words that the artist has written. Literature read isn't always literature agreed with, Are you supposed to bleep out the words that are offensive when reading a biography on a tyrant or when your singing to an angry song full of cursing. Songs like Whitney Houston "I'm every woman have the power to get most people to sing out loud including men even though you may look a little odd when singing. Certain songs that use offensive language in the lyrics still have people repeating the lyrics even if they have no idea what they are actually singing or understanding the true meaning of those controversial words. Artist aren't as straightforward as the arts that are used to tell their story because of this so much can be lost in translation when the average person tries to interpret another persons work. Catchy tunes can distract us from the true essence of the song that doesn't mean we agree with the sentiment it conveys in the music. To some people the perspective that is most important is how it sounds not what is actually being said. Remember we may have different perspectives but it still can lead us to the same outcome enjoying the music for what it is entertainment. 

Thursday 26 May 2022


Some people choose to spend their time with only people of the same nationality, even though their culture might be the only thing that they have in common. You don't like a person because of their nationality, you like a person because of the qualities that they have. A good character has traits like loyalty, honesty, courage, integrity, fortitude and is generally a person who chooses to do what is morally right. People who gravitate towards good people will not be bounded by nationalities but be on the lookout for like minded people who they admire or sometimes aspire to be like. If you stick to the confounds of your nationality you will miss out on the diversity that the world has on offer. Our bones stop growing  between the ages of 16 and 18 but our mind should never be content with limited knowledge when there is so much beauty in the world. 

Monday 23 May 2022


The world is full of judgement, fair or not fair it is the way of the world. Alot of the blame can be tied to our primal instinct of self preservation that uses our desire to protect ourselves by staying away from things that we believe may harm us. When someone looks dangerous we distance ourselves even though we don't really know who they are. How we present ourselves may reflect on how we are treated in society which isn't fair but it is fact. if someone gives you bad vibes and looks dangerous you try and avoid them even though you may be completely wrong in your assumption. Not liking how your perceived by people who try to profile you into certain categories the answer may seem that a little education could teach them who you really are, but it is a task that you'll soon grow tired to repeat. Changing how you look will satisfy the general crowd but you'll lose your own identity. So surround yourself with people who are happy with you the way you are and leave those who don't like your persona away in their own little corner.

Sunday 22 May 2022


Normal is just the standard of what is average, it is not right or wrong. Being the same as the crowd just to fit in is wrong and being different just to be different is also not the right way of being true to yourself. You are what you are not what the world says you should be so take advantage of your adolescents and discover who you are while every experience is new. Once you reach your true identity then you don't need an audience to self promote because a mirror will be enough to announce to the only person that you need to answer to "Here I AM". The person that you are in your alone time isn't set out trying to prove anything  they just are. You will only be free if you accept that you don't need affirmation from others you just need to succeed in being you. Freedom starts with you letting go of what people think and starts with what you think of yourself. So let it be the time to set yourself free.

Friday 20 May 2022


People may try and push your buttons to  trigger you, but it's up to you to take control of how you react. Its not always about who is in the right that justifys how you've reacted because sometimes not reacting at all will be the best way to not escalate frustrations further. If you are pushed to see red you have lost touch with your humanity and the virtues that guide you on the right way to act. We only understand the importance of not losing it once it is too late and the impact has already taken place. Most people who see red because they have overreacted are left with remorse on how they have reacted and it is only when they gather their thoughts that they start seeing clear again. This is the underlying truth that acknowledges that losing it will only lead you further away from the person that you have grown up to become and the person that you would rather be than a person who reacts purely on impulses. So be the man or woman that you are proud to be not the person you were in that moment of weakness. 

Wednesday 18 May 2022


When we converse with others we all like to believe that our worth deserves to receive their undivided attention, even though those we converse with don't really know who we really are as people. We believe that any attention less than what we rightfully deserve is not just and disrespects our true value because if we settle for less it would mean we agree that we are a second thought in which the lack of attention we receive is justified. Letting this attitude towards you fly will deminish your self worth and train your brain in accepting that what ever attention you can get is good enough, this means that your self worth is in someone else's hands. So if you would rather have your destiny remain in your own hands than be a force to be reckoned with and demand to be treated with respect or if that doesn't work treat people with the same respect they treat you with. 

Thursday 12 May 2022


We live in a world where we try to normalise everything even the things that should never be normalised. Some groups use abbreviations to hide in plain sight because if a group has an abbreviation people dont look to deep into its true meaning and assume its just another small minority group that doesn't have any effect on the world. M.A.P is appreviated for many different types of groups but the biggest concern is when it's used to change the formally known group of paedophile into Minor attracted person as a way to claim that they are an okay minority who are comfortable speaking up for what they believe in. Those who are a part of M.A.Ps believe that there is a huge difference between them and paedophiles thus creating an abbreviation and a flag to highlight their group as different and a evolved group that is part of these current times. They believe they should be welcomed and accepted and shouldn't not be seen in a negative light. We live in time where labels are over used and are strategically placed to hide the real truth that some things should never be normalised it is a sheer embarrassment that these current times will condone almost any behaviour just not to offend a certain group. Paedophile and Minor Attracted person should be ashamed not separated as different because one has done it while the other is only thinking about it.  It is wrong on every possible level and should be set straight as wrong behaviour no matter the new abbreviation or effort of designing a flag to try and normalise it.

Tuesday 10 May 2022


We go to school to be educated, strengthen our mind and be ready for what the world has install for us. At an early age our mind is more malleable to ensure that we gain the important skills needed from our life experiences and then beable to use those lessons we've learned as a tool to adapt to the difficulties that may arise in our life. It is these lessons that guides conditioning of our thoughts that will prevent us from making the same repeated mistakes over and over again. These lessons can only be affective if you remain true to what motivates you and accept that you are where you are because of your choices. The more you lie to yourself and take no responsibility for your actions the longer you will struggle with repeated dramas, for that the dramas that life confronts you with can only be dealt with if you accept responsibility for your choices and strive to be strong minded.