Tuesday, 18 February 2025


Life without purpose can feel pointless when your trying to figure out what your place in the world is. Everyday can feel like a repeat of the day that just past unless you set yourself some goals. Whether its the achievable short term goals that you put in place in order to encourage you to commit yourself or the long term goals that require you to persevere through the tough and challenging times ahead of you, goals are a must to break your learned bad habits. Goals push you to want more for yourself without them you are left following the same monotonous pathway that will only lead you to a dead end where your  dreams go to die. In life we must have something that moves us to keep us striving for more otherwise we are left without wanting anything better for ourselves and happy to be unhappy remaining stagnant where our purpose remains unfulfilled. So remember time waits for nobody so heed the warning and chase your purpose before it is lost.

Monday, 17 February 2025


There will never be peace in a world where violence is the only language people understand. Peace needs to be the common ground that we all should strive to reach, rather than what seems to be a commonly made mistake by a lot of people is to focus only on our differences which will only lead to an unhealthy segregation in your body,mind and soul. Seeing people's differences as wrong all because we don't understand them will build up dislike which eventually grows into a hate, then all you are left with if is having a broken mindset where you have lost your morals in the gutter where it is nearly impossible to pick yourself up again. Our high morals help dictate our choice of actions which will lead us to what is right, for that once you do what's right you'd have done your part to reach peace. So we should keep our morals high and be guided by our intentions to strive for peace because  peace should be the norm not violence. There will never be peace if the world stays ignorant to the stupid that surrounds us all. If we wait for the violence to end than it will end us we need to be smarter than the stupid people that hold us back. Education should teach us all about each others cultural differences and also our similarities so that we recognise that that we are part of the same race just with unique differences. If we choose to bow to our weaknesses and fight with each other than it is like we are fighting with a part of ourselves, the part of ourselves that is too weak to strive for peace.

Sunday, 26 January 2025


Personality should be the most important consideration when deciding if you want to let someone into your circle of friends not their nationality. Sharing the same nationality may help you when cultural similarities are high on your priority list but this is only a small part of who you really are and should never be the be all and end all in deciding who you should  associate with. That is why it is important that other things should be considered also when determining who should be a part of your circle of friends, like do you share similar interests with them or do you consider that person a good enough person that you would want to get to know better. There is so much more to us than just our cultural beliefs and because of this how are we ever meant to connect to one another purely on our cultural beliefs if we cant relate to them on any other level. If we all had the mindset that the human race should stand together no matter where their descendants may have started from then the prejudices that will hold us back from mingling with those from a different country will be removed and the only borders that will remain will be the ones that we put in place to divide us from those out there who will do us  harm. So judge the individual not the group so that you don't shut yourself away from the deserving all to make space for those who lived near you and shared your  cultural beliefs but never agreed with your values or your personal views. .

Tuesday, 21 January 2025


Hope is a powerful tool which has the power to encourage us to look past our current state of misfortunes and persevere through the pitfalls that hold us back from pursuing any of our desired goals. Without hope we are lost, stuck in a place where depression sets in with the intention to drown out our dreams of possible success by filling us up with the fear of adamant failure. The fear of failure is instilled into our brain with a predominantly negative lesson in mind "If we don't ever try then we never ever failed",but this lesson will only ever take if our fear of failure outweighs our desire to want more for ourselves. This is why it is important to have a strong mind that understands that you only ever fail when you decide to give up, every failed attempt is a lesson that can steer you closer in the right direction. The one mantra that we should keep in mind is nothing worthwhile is easy to attain. So try and try again and learn from your mistakes because you never know what is around the corner.