People are sociable creatures, and because of this, we feel compelled to share our thoughts with those we are surrounded by, even if it highlights our own personal vulnerabilities. Opening up to our peers gives us a feeling of comfort when they show that they can empathise with our current predicament, but opening up to the wrong person can have an opposite effect. If we dont carefully select who we think will be true to us when their circumstances get tough, then we are more likely going to face the repercussions of placing our trust in the wrong hands. Most people prefer to choose the easier option on hand and look at the world through their own eyes with disregard of what someone else's circumstances may be. Selfish people don't have any inkling of what the other person might be feeling this is because its a whole lot easier to see how your choices will affect you alone and most people would rather jump on the simpler option. On the other hand there are alot of us who claim that they go by the philosophy "Whats good for the goose should be good for the gander" but when it's their turn to face the music they would prefer to wear noise cancelling headphones to avoid facing the music. So, rather than putting yourself in a position where someone can manipulate your words to match their personal gain, maybe you should open up only with the ones you have a genuine bond with and the same level of integrity.
We all have moments where we feel we've lost our mind, and a little mind rescue is the only way of getting us back on track. So open up and share your problems with the world because two brains are better than one. The more people that get involved the bigger the brainstorm and the better your chances of solving your dilemma. So click on the label help wanted on the right hand side of your computer screen, mobiles need to click on view web version located on the bottom of your screen.
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