Sunday, 12 June 2022


We all like to believe that we are a good judge of character, but if that was true we would never have any failed relationships. The moment things do go pear shaped we question our ability to judge for ourselves who are the right people that we should be sharing our time with and who we should avoid. Throughout our relationships we invest time in building strong foundations with what we perceive to be the right kind of people and as much as we give out we assume those friends would equally do for us what we do for them. Relationships that aren't equal will eventually fail because without sharing the responsibilities in keeping solidarity the person giving more will find happiness somewhere else. So treat people with the same respect you require or you might find yourself wondering what went wrong. The reality is that some people will take advantage of nice people but that doesn't mean that you should not be welcoming to new friends it means that you shouldn't be a door mat to anyone.

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