Evil dead was a classic horror flick that came out in 1981, It propelled the horror genre into a new undiscovered direction and pushed the limits of gore which made it stand out. But as the new remake was just released, it entices you to re-watch the original classic horror movie to see how it compares to the latest edition. Now with modern day technology improvements special effects that immerse the viewer into a more believable world, you can not help but to compare the original horror to what we have grown to expect from horrors of our current times. With the transgression of movies, so do our own expectations of movies change with the times. What we grew up to think was one of the scariest movies we would have ever watched has now transformed to a crappy movie, even if we ignored the shameful special effects it is hard to ignore the many flaws in the storytelling. Depth in the story is one way to hold the audience and keeps your attention focused on following the story. The classic Evil Dead lacked everything that is now considered a must formula for the making of a good and successful movie. This movie was good then but lacks the endurance to hold its own to the tests that we put on a successful movie for today's times. A crap on film that can not stand the test of time, avoid at all costs and save yourself the reminiscent ride of nostalgia. Leave those fond memories of your old favourites in the past where they can not hurt your new expectations.

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