Thursday 26 September 2024


Conversation like most things needs to flow naturally because if we let ourselves be lead into a conversation that we have no opinion on then it becomes a one sided conversation. Some people fall in the trap of forcing a conversation even when they clearly have nothing to say on the topic because they believe that saying anything is better than saying nothing at all. All this does is highlight your lack of knowledge on the topic and your inability to add anything meaningful to the conversation because what little you've added is insincere with little to no thought going into it. Sometimes it is better to give no input and just listen because you can learn alot more by listening than you can by interrupting with a forced comment that you've prepared earlier. Conversation needs to be sincere to matter otherwise you may as well be talking about the weather. You can only build a solid foundation of friendship if you are honest with what comes out of your mouth, otherwise you will have to backtrack on your claims. People will only respect you and what you say if you show them an equal amount of respect, so speak the truth and try to listen without interrupting with things that you don't really feel or you might just find yourself fitting into a crowd that you dont want to even be a part of.

Tuesday 24 September 2024


We are so much more than what we show others on the surface and unless someone takes the time to get to know you properly then they will only ever see you in a two dimensional way. The more time we spend having an honest open dialogue with our peers the more evident our beliefs are and the more it shows others that we will stand by our words even at the cost of offending people with alternative view points. So whether it is your true intentions to mystify people with your colourful lies that don't exactly correlate with your beliefs in order to stay in green with those that you admire or you've chosen to be courageous by standing by your views even at the cost of being placed in the red and under a microscope to be criticised for not following the mob. Your choice will either have you changing your views regularly based on what's trending at the time or you'll choose the path that is true to who you really are by showing others that you walk your own path no matter of the consequences. We all want to be liked but Is it better to be liked for who we are ? rather than changing who we are just to be liked, the choice is yours and yours alone.