Friday 30 July 2021


Today I've realised that having just done my second pfizer shot the anticipation is finally over and now i am filled with a comfort feeling confidence that having the vaccination can only have brought on during these scary times. Fear is the overpowering reason that drives people to question whether they should or shouldn't be vaccinated which steers people's logic to focus on irrational thoughts. Those who believe micro chips will be mixed in with the vaccination assume that the government has interest in their location, are forgetting that their mobile phones and their cars have a GPS signals. With all the conspiracy theorists pushing negative thoughts to the minds of the vulnerable, society's progression will stagnate leaving us far behind in modern world. Through the evolution of medication vaccines have had to be introduced to fight the illness that have hit society hard, it is our only defence against a sickness that can take away your life. So the choice is yours live your life with or without pain. But choose wisely because there is no sense in letting fear decide.

Saturday 24 July 2021


Everyday people strive to reach their goals, short-term goals usually take priority because they are easier to be attained. Most of us are distracted with our day to day hectic lifestyles that it hinders us to think of anything long-term which inturn leaves us to master the short-term goal that requires little to no effort. This easier pathway leads you to a monotonous routine that can take over what is really important to you. Our dreams reside in our long-term goals which usually are seen as an unattainable dream so it gets pushed aside for us to focus on what is considered more realistic. If people only set up themselves for what was easier than what we now consider a greatness in human achievement will never be experienced. People longing to be the best version of themselves because they don't want to let themselves down would encourage others to follow by their positive examples. Life is short but our dreams are large, the harder pathway you choose to follow the more persistent you have to be.

Saturday 17 July 2021


If you try and project what would happen to Victoria if we weren't in lockdown im sure the majority of people would agree covid numbers will rise. So what is at stake? the economy or our health. As painful as lockdown is, it is necessary to keep us safe. To some their businesses can not survive the affects of lockdown  to others their lifestyle will forever be changed with the risk that covid brings to their health. Self preservation can sway how people evaluate what is important to them, but with such a vast mindscape in the community this guarantees a collision of adverse opinions. Majority rules in a community the smaller voices are forced to accept that the community interests comes first over their individual desires. This will always be the way because it is impossible to make everyone happy at the same time.

Tuesday 13 July 2021


As parents our attitudes vary on what we consider is the right type of parenting.  Parenting can be categorised in four main groups Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive or Uninvolved. The one thing all parents can agree on is that their child's health is the number one priority. This doesn't mean that what we all consider is unsafe is the same for all of us. You might leave your child alone when the pot is on the stove boiling because you've done it a thousand times and your child has never shown any interest in touching the cooking, but it is still a gamble. The odds might be in your favour but is it a risk that you as the guardian want to take. On a day to day basis you as a the parent or carer are constantly making decisions on behalf of those you are responsible for so make the choice that is better not the one that is quicker. 

Sunday 11 July 2021


It's okay to say I don't know. So many people feel embarrassed to admit they don't have the answers to questions that their peers know off by heart. Trying to fool people that your confident about the topic of conversation without having any clue to what someone is talking about will only falter your personality and highlight that you are struggling to connect the dots with the current conversation. People crave to be connected to that is why you owe it to yourself to be your true self so when you do find a connection with someone it is strong and true to who you really are and what you stand for. A mutual respect for your integrity will only show when you be yourself without trying to impress your current company.

Wednesday 7 July 2021


To be switched on and connected to your surroundings is the only way to multi task. When you find it hard to focus on more than one task at a time you suffer the consequences of a slow mind which will leave you struggling to handle the tough decisions that have to be made quick. Life is fast paced and without training yourself to think fast and make rational choices you'll find yourself falling far behind struggling to climb out of the mess. So be alert and train yourself to take in more than just what your experiencing. So much is happening around you and if you master the art of paying attention to your surroundings you will find it easier to respond to more than what your use to. You are not the only one trying to get through the challenges that life throws at you so be less self absorbed and be one with the world. 

Saturday 3 July 2021


The Western movies that depict the typical Damsel in distress saved by the male protagonist of the big screen has now transformed from our living room and into our everyday life situations but with a unique twist. The modern times have now modified the roles because its not only females who find themselves in trouble playing the victim, but also time has added dudes in distress to the equation which still carries the same message "Oh Please help me for I am helpless and need a hero to save me". This is the easy way out for both of the sexes, why try when someone else can do it for you.  If we let this mentality rule us we will never stand on our own two feet and never excel to a potential that can only be reached if we push ourselves to be better. What may seem the easier path will only damage us in the long run. Life's tough times strengthens you so your able to get through the difficult challenges you face and avoidance will only teach you the bad habits that you will find it virtually impossible to break at a later stage of your life. So be like Nike and "Just do it" yourself.

Thursday 1 July 2021


A family that lives together, doesn't always grow together. We may all start off close-knit and bounded together by our forced upon proximity experiences, but that all changes in an instant once our social bubble grows and we leave the comfort zone that we grew up in. The moment we get older and leave the nest so does our ability to relate to one another change. What seemed to be a simple task of interaction metamorphoses into "The idiots guide to relating to one another from scratch".Surrounded by an awkward feeling that is controlled by the space of time since your last meeting swollows any nostalgic memory that entwines us to our shared childhood. Do we fight to rekindle what was once there? Or do we continue the charade that simplifys our new relationship?